Exam time is the time to party~ (Silvia)

     Trust me to be away when something exciting happens. When I say exciting, I don’t mean the events that usually leave me red-faced. Oh no, this time, when I say exciting, I mean: DAMN, I REALLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE.
     From what I heard, there were some drunks in the chemistry lecture theatre. One of them jumped over a row of seats, nearly kicked my friend and hurled his lunch up on the carpet. I’m no psychic, but I’m guessing it was something cheap like a ten dollar pot and parma. Judging from how drunk he was, it was probably several ten dollar pots and parmas.
     Then another guy stood up and took off his shirt. He stripped down to his birthday suit and paraded around. As another friend said, “You could see his doodle and butt and everything.”
     But the guys leave and the lecture resumes. All is well until the stripper came back in, fully clothed. However, the lecturer had none of it and threatened to call security. Being dragged by strong, beefy guys out of a room full of about five hundred people would have been downright humiliating (not that stripping isn’t, because, you know, it’s a perfectly acceptable form of art) so the stripper leaves. But not before grabbing some random’s water bottle, guzzling its contents and swaggering out.
     So being a rebel badass and all, I skipped my last chem lecture to do a study session with my friend Hugo. That’s why I missed all the ruckus, damn.
     But it’s a good idea to study with friends because you realise what you don’t know and consolidate what you do. In my case, I didn’t consolidate anything. Hugo was basically telling me all the answers and I frantically scribbled in my notebook to keep up with his garbled explanations. It was supposed to be studying, but it was kinda like a “tell me all the frickin’ knowledge I’ll need for the exams” session.
     Obviously, I’m not the type of person who studies a lot. I tend to leave things till the last minute. Like now, for example. Exams are in a week and I’m doing this post.
     So yeah, I’m always feeling dumb around Hugo because he sleeps in lectures all morning and afternoon to catch up on the sleep he misses at night (he thinks he turns into a superhero, let’s pretend with him) but at the same time, he’s a genius ranga nerd who remembers trivial facts from lectures given twelve weeks ago.
     Hugo is the type of person you want to throttle for being so smart. But he’s too nice to throttle, so I won’t kill him yet.
     Since it was supposed to have been a study session… here’s what I learned: when Melbourne Uni wants to party, she parties hard and waits for no-one.

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