As the leaves fall down…. (Adeshola)

Is it just me or is early Autumn one of the most amazing times of the year?

Seriously, despite being overwhelmed and increasingly stressed out by my two assignments due this Thursday, the weather is keeping me quite cheery. Perhaps its because Winter is looming upon us and I’m trying to cherish every last ray of sunlight that we are given. There really is something so special about being outside on a lovely warm day that’s not too hot, just perfect! The South Lawn seems to be a favourite spot for most people on campus. Come the sunshine, people flock to it and by midday it’s absolute packed, yet such a wonderful sight. I love walking past it and seeing groups of students, couples and even a few people by themselves reading a book underneath the shade of a tree.

So today, after my work shift I sat outside in the backyard on the lawn and read my “Identity” readings for the coming week while sipping on some leftover Apple cider from Arts Camp. It was highly enjoyable and I’d recommend it to students currently struggling with the motivation to pick up their course reader and actually stay on top of their readings. It’s worth it though, as the worst thing is sitting in a lecture and having no idea what the lecturer is actually talking about. Admittedly, I have already fallen behind in my Psychology lectures and resorted to procrastinating instead of actually listening to the audio versions of the lectures I am behind it. Depsite common misconceptions, first Year Uni is actually pretty hard. Suddenly there are no regular homework checks, no one reminding you of the work that is to be done and a hell of a lot of parties to attend with new people to meet. Fair to say it’s hard to find a good balance. As Jess so nicely put it, the honeymooned period is indeed over. Tomorrow we hit week 4, assignments will be due and the semester is soaring by!

I am finally going to attend an Academic Skills Unit workshop  on Tuesday to hopefully inspire me to resort back to my some of my VCE ways where I was extremely organised and studious.

Ok, time to finish that Criminology assignment….

See you on the other side!


One thought on “As the leaves fall down…. (Adeshola)

  1. I agree that autumn is indeed a lovely time of the year. Especially with all the nice scenery, it’s very picturesque!

    Hope your assignments went alright 🙂


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