The Final Frontier (Jessica)

(of transition)

I finally feel as though we’re coming into the last leg of the transitional phase into university (well the main one anyway). I think at this point most people have found their feet and made their friends and I know I sure have. I like this idea of having somewhat transitioned, I feel as though I can really label myself a university student and really feel like I am apart of the Melbourne University student cohort. Undoubtedly, the whole of first year will be our “transition” into university life but I feel as if I have begun falling into a routine and in a way, that I am finally starting to “get” university.

These are the things I have learnt that have finally made me feel like a real university student:

  • missing and attempting to listen to a two hour lecture online is basically impossible
  • who has what breaks and when
  • the prime days and times for BBQs or as it is also known as, free lunch
  • what is expected of you in terms of workload and attendance
  • how to better utilise time to balance social, work and study

I feel as if I can say that I know university. I know how it works and where all the buildings are, I know where I can find my favourite food and where to go to avoid protestors. As the famous quote goes “The world is your oyster” and I feel at this very moment that university is my oyster.

As I mentioned in my last post, I was off for an exciting weekend with my fellow Asians for Aa (Australasian Association) Camp! There are no real words I can use to explain this camp but man, what a camp it was! I met a whole bunch of new people who I still keep in contact with now. And I absolutely love the feeling of walking around Uni and seeing a familiar face here and there! Shout out to Purple team, you were my highlight of camp. What a honour it was to drink alongside you. To our leader Alay, not sure if you’ll ever read this but biggest kudos to you.

As the saying goes “What happens on camp, stays on camp” but Aa camp is the exception. I don’t want to say too much here, but if you do want to know, get in contact with me. I have enough funny stories to last hours on end.

These last two weeks have just been assignment packed, and that is basically all I have been doing besides my usual socialising. I did however get the amazing chance to participate in the CSS Dodgeball Competition today, but alas study awaits so that can be mentioned in the next blog post! Tomorrow I’ve got some classes in the morning, a lovely catch up lunch with KHo and then off to work!

Anyway until the next time,


P.s – I’ll be off on VSA (Vietnamese Student Association) Camp this weekend, so next blog post will contain my thoughts on that!

2 thoughts on “The Final Frontier (Jessica)

  1. Waah so many camps! Lucky!

    Good to know you’ve made the transition well. 🙂 I think that I have too, despite discovering the multitude of fizzy drinks on campus. My dentist shall hate me.

  2. Feeling the same Jess 🙂 The honeymoon period is long gone and we’re getting stuck into all the assessments now! Have fun at camp you lucky thing 🙂 x

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