Wooaah ooooooh, we're halfway there… Okay, well a quarter of the way then. (Benjamin)
Valete amici!
Has been a very full last couple of weeks due to the copious amounts of caffeine, fun and Fanta. I feel almost as supercharged as the Energiser Bunny who’s being badass by being plugged into the recharger. So yeah.
Easter break is almost here and it’s about time too! I mean seriously, how are we meant to get through the year by only having one day dedicated to food? And when I say food, I mean actual food. Chocolate is a main food group. Trust me, I read it in the MX. It’s not fair.
By the way, a quick health tip; for those worried about extra calories/dentists with their diabolic drills/pimple out breaks/starring on Man vs Food (circle the most correct), my advice to you is this; EAT AS MUCH CHOCOLATE AS POSSIBLE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Then you can eat an apple or something, to compensate. And, like, it’s more healthy because you eat quickly so the food doesn’t make you as unfit*. Being a science student, this is my unofficial homework for the holidays (along with eating a custard apple and testing whether it is possible for humans to hibernate after long periods of study). Let me know your findings, I’m curious to see just how correct I am.
Last weekend was Earth Hour, so my brother and I got full on into things by having the bright idea to turn off all the lights. We got out the candles and got to learn firsthand just how much fun it is to burn thyself with paraffin wax. I decided to navigate through the murky shadows and go outside to see what the house looked like in the dark. By a happy coincidence, a chair had decided to apparate into the middle of the hallway as I walked towards the door, just in a position where it was most likely to intercept people who happened to be precariously balancing candles on their hands and desperately squinting through the inky shadows . Oh, and the cat who was perched on the chair at that very moment in time certainly wasn’t too impressed when I collided with him and tripped over, narrowly avoiding singeing his whiskers. A few bandaids and lacerated limbs later, I made it out the door, only to set off the sensor light, consequently blinding myself and blotting out all hopes of seeing the street in the dark.
Instead of spending the rest of that hour nervously avoiding the cat, I decided to spend it more productively by doing Chemistry by candlelight (To anyone who finds this mildly disconcerting thank you, I already know that I’m vey cool. Na, that’s pretty bad. K, I’ll stop) . It was beautiful; just me, a candle and a calculator, but not really very romantic. Because you know how you use candles to create an atmosphere yeah? Yeah. There’s just nothing like doing questions on Ideal Gas laws when you can’t even see what you’re typing into your calculator.
In other news, due to a combination of He Who Must Not Be Named (Ron 😀 ) and a bit of online stalking research, we bloggers finally met up! It was pretty awesome! Adeshola and Jessica are both just as kind and friendly as they appear to be in their blogs :)( Edit: My sensors indicate that there is a new blogger as well!) Unfortunately, I was a bit dead after class so my pun making ability was a bit off. We talked about uni, subjects, work, emoticon smiley faces and how people lie when they say lol when they’re typing (resorting to capitalisation to emphasise their point). Seriously, like, when I’m on my computer and someone says something funny, I don’t randomly fall of my chair and start rolling on the floor. This is because I don’t have fleas if that were really the case, I would seriously have the biggest bromance with the floor going.
Apparently, sometimes I’m a bit random, a comment about which I vehemently disagree. Also, giraffes have seven vertebrae in their neck.
Ahahaha, sorry that was pretty bad. Anyway, where was I? Ah yes. In order to test this theory, one of my mate’s asked me ‘What’s the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?’, the answer to which I didn’t really know. The answer to the question, it turns out, is not: ‘Tortoises sink.’*
Many other fun things have happened over the last week and a half; whether that be in the form of Toblerone Hot Chocolate, the Euroball, a person mistaking my beatboxing and crazy arm motions for interpretative dance, easter eggs and hot cross buns, my shoes tripping me over again, the discovery that OMEGA sound like Oh My God, affirmation that my French book is cool (SERIOUSLY IT SO IS!) and the Night Market. Lots of other things as well that are too numerous to mention.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter and a great break off uni. In the words of the dictionary (you’ll find them in there), have a fun time, strike that balance between work and play and remember, GO TEAM PEETA. That is all.
Love Ben
*No conditions apply.
**’Draco’ is not an appropriate response to anything written or said in Latin. Just saying 😛