As Adele would say… (Jessica)

“I set fire to the rain”
(in hopes that it would somehow stop it)

(insert: semi relevant cartoon)

Side  note (idea borrowed from Emily)
Why did no one ever tell me that  Uni becomes a
flood zone when it rains???!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Hel-lo everybody (I read that in the tone of Dr. Nick from the Simpsons)
Hope the Easter break was swell for you all and you’ve come back refreshed and ready for the rest of the semester!  I know I sure haven’t….so no clue how this second half of the semester is going to go but I hope there is some improvement.

I’m currently in a state of what I have labelled “uni blues“, just feeling really down about Uni academic wise.

I had a bit of a philosophical think about it all the other day and concluded that I prefer a different style of teaching than what Uni has to offer. I miss school in the sense that I could develop a really great rapport with all my teachers. I miss the involved classroom discussions in comparison to the dull monotone lectures, I miss the varied ways in which teachers would present information in comparison to the slides of endless information on a screen – the list goes on and on…..

Stuck in this weird place at the moment, where I don’t know what to do. Should I just toughen up because Uni is meant to be independent and I’m just struggling to come to terms with that? Or maybe Uni just isn’t for me? So many questions and no one to ask…

On a better note, I went to a lecture about going on Exchange the other day and am kind of excited about that. I really do want to do exchange, so it’s just a matter of doing all the planning and hopefully getting accepted! If all goes to plan, in Semester 2 – 2013, I could be writing from the big old U.S of A!

(suppose I have to get there first, haha!)

Anyway, I better jump off and finish the assignments I have to do!
Write again soon.


P.s – Welcome to all the newbies on the blog, I think everyone has introduced themselves now except for Mark. What an elusive character he is!

4 thoughts on “As Adele would say… (Jessica)

  1. Hey Jess! Great post 🙂 Am totally feeling the uni blues at the moment, the rain does not help at all 🙁 Exchange, how exciting! That should keep you excited 😀 x

  2. I am totally on board with you 😉 I miss my teachers so much! It also gave me motivation because I didn’t want to dissapoint them 🙁 Exchange sounds so awesome! Do you know where you want to be in America, like what state? Also, love the pictures, especially the piggy’s !!

  3. Hi Jessica,

    You can ask us at T&O for some advice about Uni life, we may be able to help clarify things for you or refer you to an appropriate student service that can be of assistance. Also, how are your tutes going, hopefully they present an opportunity for open discussion and teaching that is more akin to a high school model.

  4. Hey Jess! Don’t worry, I’ve felt similar not that long ago. It isn’t the best feeling, but I found that asking heaps of questions in tutes, lectures etc has helped me 🙂

    Hope you’re going okay 🙂

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