Investigationing with Ben 10

Hey guys!


How are we all going?  Sorry I’ve been away for a bit, I’ve been in the process of trying to improve my study techniques.  Whilst they aren’t perfect, they are certainly better than what they were, which I am happy about.  Things are beginning to click which is good, but there is still much work to be done.

Over the last few weeks, it’s been busy but we’ve still managed to have a bit of fun.  Such as entertainment in chemistry: (‘Why did the white bear dissolve in water?  Because he was polar.’), fun Biology practicals and Chemistry lectures which have been interrupted by some eager college students and lecture bashers who obviously aren’t too well acquainted with the mute button. 😛

Since I last blogged, I talked about cutting out distractions.  That I have mostly done, with the exception of watching Melbourne lose to St. Kilda.  Seriously boys, start playing better!  You’re adversely affecting my studies (life).


Here are three things that I have noticed recently:

  1. Firstly, in Yu-Gi-Oh, when characters duel (that is to say, challenge each other to a children’s card game), why do they need to use such excessive hand motions in order to put their card on the table.  I mean seriously!  That’s like playing a game of chess and instead of taking a piece off the board when you capture it, knocking it flying into your opponent’s face (this actually happened once.  And no, it wasn’t me).
  2. When good food (chocolate) shows it’s RDI content on the side of the wrapper, it’s always hidden away underneath a fold in the wrapping so that you don’t become depressed at how much exercise it’s gonna take to burn it off until after you have eaten it.  Well today, I had an iced coffee that only had 20% of my sugar needs.  Isn’t that great!?  On closer inspection, I found that this iced coffee had labelled on it ‘serves 2’ just underneath the ingredients Vitamins A to K (Kryptonite).  So I basically had 40% of my sugar needs in one drink.  Okay I’m over exaggerating; it’s probably more like 70%.  Seriously though, that is such a low form of advertising.  It’s like saying ‘Sale 100% off’ and then having in Size 2 font a tiny little decimal point before the 1.  Got to love honest marketing techniques!
  3. When it comes to dancing, I really regret not having watched Video Hits/Rage/Pop Asia when I was younger.  But it doesn’t really matter.  Although I am no closer to my dream of becoming a Korean pop star or having ‘the moves like Jagger’ (and no, Jagger is NOT a chess player), I can still have a good time 😀

Like my fellow bloggers, and indeed, all other students, exams are well and truly creeping up on us.  So I thought that I’d share some useful study techniques that have come in handy over the years.  You’re welcome.

The following hints are either observations on my own or other people’s study behaviour.  No cupboards were damaged during the following.  Much.


1.       Use your textbook as a pillow so that the knowledge ‘flows’ into your head: A technique tried by many, particularly popular amongst those studying fluid mechanics (Get it?  ‘Flows’ and ‘fluid’?  Okay, never mind).  Does make sleeping rather difficult.  For those who want to work ‘flat’ out, switching the book for a thin iPad should suffice.

2.       Compete in a staring contest with your revision notes: Generally the notes win.  This is a well know method of absorbing the entire page contents into your brain.  (Upon looking upon past year blogs, I have found that I am not the only one to have used this trick! :P)  Complement this with gazing out the window and making out a light sabre cloud formation for more stressful results.  It is at this time when one begins swearing profusely under their breath, which perhaps counts as revision for Linguistics.  If not, it counts as practise for speaking like a pirate, which is invariably a good thing.

3.       Boost your confidence: Make puns relate to science.

4.       Further boost your confidence: Make science relate to puns.

5.       Listen to music when you study: This will ensure you stay awake whilst studying.  You know something’s wrong though when you start writing in time to the music/the lyrics of the song.  It so happens that ‘starships flying’ and ‘call me maybe’ are thoroughly unrelated to French intransitive verbs.  Perhaps physics (linear motion and propagation of sound waves).

6.         Do not pull an all-nighter: Nights do not appreciate being pushed, no less being pulled.  Also, yes, whilst maybe it will help scrape a pass and get you through first year, there are subjects that we will study in the future that use first year subjects as prerequisites.  Studying isn’t the most invigorating thing in the world, but it must be done.  Just like your teeth.  Imagine brushing your teeth.  A lot.

7.        Organise a study timetable: Make sure you include all the essentials including meals, work, breaks, facebook stalking  research and etcetera.  Even if it’s only basic, planning out your time helps you visualise that which you wish to do.  It also gives you a realistic idea about how much work you can expect to get done.



Okay, so I’m being a bit silly.  But it is worth trying to make a study timetable, revision notes and doing questions from past papers.  Maybe forming a study group will help as well!  Just grab a few mates and get studying!

Although the exams are approaching, take heart and keep your chins up.  To quote a serious, thought promoting film of the 21st Century; “We’re all in this together!” *Cue rehearsed choreography and autotuned voice*

Ben xox

P.S. Hello Monique!  I know!  The books are indeed great and bring back memories of nostalgia.  I’m not too good at solving mysteries either, but I’ve improved from all my years of watching  Scoobie Doo! 😀


P.P.S  Yay!  Emily!  Now Adeshola and Jess can’t gang up on us mwahaha 😀

2 thoughts on “Investigationing with Ben 10

  1. Yay for teamwork! 😀 and I’m definitely trying out some of those study techniques…I’m going to win that staring contest if it’s the last thing I ever do…

  2. *High fives in the general direction of Emily*

    Haha, let me know how you find them, I’m not sure how useful they are 😉

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