"This has gotta be the good life" (Jessica)

I quote the wise words of OneRepublic and without a doubt can say, this is definitely the good life!

Been a long long time since my last post and that may be because I am way too caught up in how amazing these holidays are! They’ve been filled with impromptu flights, road trips, camping, seeing friends and the best part is they aren’t even over yet! So I suppose I should start at the beginning and work my way to where I am currently.

After my dreaded exams were over, I was whisked off on a very impromptu trip to Sydney! I headed up there with my best friend Tina and we had an absolute blast. When we weren’t doing all the typical tourist things, we were either shopping or just simply exploring the inner streets of Sydney!

Upon returning, that night I headed off to the Aa (one of many) End of Exams party! This year it was held at Se7en night club and we were lucky enough to have one hour of free flow spirits! It was crazy but luckily for me, I still managed to get myself into my pjs and eventually my own bed.

After a very crazy EOX I headed on a road trip down to Rye where Aa had a little Committee retreat! I had an amazing time (even though I only remember parts of it) and it was great to spend some time getting to know my fellow Committee members!

For those of you avid readers, you know I like a good camp. I was not disappointed upon attending RMIT Asian Association’s camp! Filled with the usual debaucherous  behaviour, wild drinking games and mornings waking up with no recollection of where you are, the camp did not fail to fulfil the large shoes it held in my books. I made many new friends who I look forward to seeing again at the upcoming reunion!

While most of my holidays involved casual and often informal settings, this last week I was involved in something a bit more serious. I worked in Parliament House this week after having obtained a week long internship with the YMCA Youth Parliament program. Besides being able to participate in the program, I also had the chance to see some old friends! This was without a doubt one of the best things of these holidays so far. I had a great time being involved, I look forward to any future involvement I may have with the YMCA.

So all that leads us to this very moment in time now – me sitting in my bed at 10:30PM on a Sunday writing this entry. In regards to other things in my life at the moment, I haven’t worked in since exams started, so having my first shift yesterday was a little daunting. But everything became all so familiar when I walked in the store again, so it wasn’t too bad!

On a bit of a random note, I just registered my attendance at a youth information night about running for Local Council. I am highly considering doing this and I need some advice to whether this is a crazy idea or that maybe I can actually pull this off?

Anyway, I’m feeling a tad under the weather so I’m going to hop off and get some shut eye!

Lots of Love,

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