And introducing… (Celyn)

Celyn [sah-leen]

n. noun

A first-year science student; part-time pharmacy assistant/dispensary technician and part-time student procrastinator. Likes soup way too much.

As you can gather, I’m one of the new bloggers! I’m quite the awkward one when it comes to introductions so I’ll make this short and sweet:

  1. Chemistry is the bane of my life (and I’m not even exaggerating). It’s such a difficult subject for me to grasp- so much so that I’m actually repeating it this semester.
  2. As a high school student, I had these grand expectations. I envisioned myself to be well-rounded and organised, constantly marking off things I’d done on my to-do list of the day and always having my important 8 hours of sleep. I guess it’s fair to say that I’m still working on those aspects of myself (although I’m getting better, I swear!)
  3. I love soup. So much.
  4. It’s my dream to travel the world over. I want to visit every country on Earth at least once, as unrealistic as that sounds. 7 countries down, 189 to go!
  5. I’m what some would call a ‘lab rat addict’. I constantly sign up for research studies and lab experiments (only the ones that I’m eligible for, of course). I find a certain joy in being involved in research; even if it means having to stay still for 3 hours in an MRI scanner, or doing pitch identification exercises which frustrate my non-perfect-pitch self, or having EEG gel stuck to my hair for the entire day due to it not being able to be washed out properly.

Introduction: done! I’ve suddenly been reminded of the countless things I should tick off my to-do list (see, I told you I’m getting better at this organisation thing), so I bid you an adieu and good night!


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