Today marks the end of my first semester of uni. I’ve never been this proud in my life ever, more than surviving Year 12. When I stepped outside, feeling satisfied with my last exam (technical exam for music), I felt that sense of relief, that happiness of finishing with Semester One. It all seems to associate with that quote in Finding Nemo when one of the fishes of the gang said, “what now?” after they’ve escape that torturous ‘jail’ in a fish tank.

“It’s over. My god.”
“HAHA. What now?”

Well, I plan to explore, practise, train and dance. I plan to take up cycling again, exploring once more again. I plan to ride all the way to Rye (50km) from my place, and back (100km in total), because I can and I’m a crazy athlete. Hahaha. Ever since I rode to Mornington during my summer break, cyclists told me that Rye is pretty mint they say. Therefore, I plan to ride there. Don’t worry, I’ve done this before. Ever since I did the Great Victorian Bike Ride, I believe I can do this… even though I haven’t done that much training since the summer. HAHAHAHA. Hopefully, I can get around with that soon.

I plan to practise and memorise all of my End of Year Recital Exam before Semester Two starts. I won’t over practise my head off. No way! I want to enjoy and make most of my break. I needed one. It seems very ambitious of me, but I really do need all the time I need now. I have practised these pieces for about two months now, and therefore I should really push myself to memorise these pieces by the start of Semester Two. Now, since I have all the time in the world, I should get cracking with my pieces. I want to do this, and therefore I shall achieve my goals.

Here’s my pieces that I will be doing in my ‘End of Year Recital’:
Italian Concerto by Bach, 1st movement
Sonata, Op. 1o, No. 2 by Beethoven, 1st movement
Nocturne in F major by Chopin
Prelude: Minstrels and Bruyeres by Debussy

Minstrels is another new piece that I have to learn; my four pieces doesn’t reach at least 18 minutes or almost to the maximum (20 minutes) of my recital. It won’t be so bad. Though, it sucks that I have to learn another piece. But hey, at least I get to perform more of Debussy’s pieces for once. I’ll discuss about my End of Year Recital soon during Semester Two. My favourite pieces? Chopin Nocturne and Bruyeres. Least favourite? Bach. Okay, don’t get me wrong, I like this piece, but it’s difficult to learn. Oh well. I will manage. 🙂

I plan to explore. I want to explore as much as I can. I’m an adventurous, curious person. Some say that I’m ‘Curious George’ because I find great places by my curiosity. Google and google maps is your best friend in researching stuff. Exploring outside of CBD Melbourne is a good way to explore your horizons. Melbourne gets better when you travel away from the city. If you have your license, I really suggest you do a road trip into the countryside. For the others like me, plan trips that’s near access of public transport. For cyclists, talk or observe cyclists who travel on that particular road for potential directions. Remember, when you’re  travelling on public transport or active transport, make sure you’re mindful –  be smart, stay safe, take care of yourself and belongings. That’s my key rules of exploring. When something doesn’t feel right, avoid it at any cost. Trust your instincts. Common sense is always a way to go.

I plan to do dance classes.  Ever since I’m a member of the Flare, I plan to go to almost all of their casual dance classes, to make up the missed classes I always wanted to go in Semester One. Flare is love, flare is life. 😉

I plan to binge watching all the missed TV Shows, movies and books. Netflix and YouTube, come at me bro. Goodbye world for a day, or two. Hahahaha.

Library, I shall borrow heaps of books to read… and video games.  Hahahaha.

I plan to catch up as many people as possible! I have a list on who I’d like to catch up with, and places to go. I’m going to be spending a lot of money in this. HAHAHA.

A lot of things going to be tied off in such little time isn’t it? That’s my bucket list for my break. What about you guys? Hopefully, you have something exciting in your break!

For those who you still have exams, hold on tight! You’re almost there towards the finish line! Finish the race strong! I believe in you! 🙂

– Nicole

Music suggestion for this post? Freedom! by George Michael
Such a good 90s song to express this feeling, right? Hahaha.

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