Lists make this blog look longer than it actually is, so DON'T PANIC (Cristina)

Seeing as though I wrote my first/last (omit one of them and read the rest of the sentence, they both actually make sense) blog on a Friday, I felt it fitting that I would write my next blog on a Friday as well. Like Laura before me said, I think it’s a good idea to blog every Friday, like a summation of the week. It’s also useful for the fact that I never could get the hang of Thursdays. (cookies to whoever picks up on the literary reference; the same piece of literature is also referenced in the title of this blog)


O-Week O-Week-O-Week. Or “Week-O” as our handy pamphlet put it. I didn’t appreciate that, to be honest. I’m a big fan of consistency. Especially the consistency of apple sauce, gosh that is lovely to eat. But I digress. O-WEEK. Orientation Week to the uninitiated, but OHGODILOVEFREESTUFF-Week to anyone who attended. Seriously. Who doesn’t love free stuff? I sure love it, and it is part of the reason why I massively enjoyed O-Week. I noticed that in a few previous entries, some bloggers weren’t overly satisfied with their O-Week experience. Well, here I shall list – chronologically, as I am a fan of order as well as consistency – the reasons why my O-Week was the bomb diggity:

O-Week started on Tuesday, you fools!

More like TuesYAY:
– My host and host group were very nice. 12 girls and 1 guy, lulz. That’s what you get for doing Media & Comms, boy! Although I’m sure he’s suitably rapt about that.
– I befriended a girl who (this is going to be the weirdest thing you ever read) I eventually realised I followed on Twitter. Don’t even ask how that happened.
– I then proceeded to get an excrement-load of free excrement. Not literally.
– Lunch was had with my Science friend at the bar a couple of levels up in Union House, and I would highly recommend it: I had a parma and chips for $9.80!
– Aforementioned Science friend is not a union member, and thus began his now infamous experiment to see how much he can (or at least attempt to) scam the student union this year. He has been largely unsuccessful so far, although probably got a free t-shirt.

On the whole, Wednesday was forgettable. I don’t understand why the seminar for Media and Comms actually said nothing about Media and Comms at all, and instead, for example, dedicated a portion of the seminar to explaining DELA. To the Media and Comms students. You know, the students who are supposed to be the most gifted at English. I mean, come on.

Most excellent day, and probably the one I was looking the most forward to. I mean, I obviously joined a superfluous amount of groups:
– Melbourne Arts Students Society (M-ASS)
– Chocolate Lovers’ Society
– Consistently Amazing Kitchen Endeavours (CAKE)
– Cosmic Hitchhikers Appreciation Society
– Engineering Music Society (I play drums, and plan to join a jazz band)
– Food Interest Group (FIG; I didn’t know until today that they are actually in a rivalry with CAKE)
– Friends Of Unnatural Llamas (FOUL; definitely my favourite)
– Italian Social Club (perché ho studiato l’italiano per tredici anni, e, essenzialmente, sono italiana)
– People Interested Really At The Ear Sounds (PIRATES)

I then proceeded to crash the science barbeque and get two free hotdogs. Earlier, I had crashed my Science friend’s host group.

FOUL Picnic = über-funz. I’m seriously considering FOUL camp.

FIG food crawl = BEYOND AWESOME.  Free fruit salad, gelati and chocolate pizza. Um, best club ever?

And now I’m pooped. I’m going to buy my books tomorrow and figure out where my classes are, then spend Sunday in the foetal position.

A più tardi!


P.S. Don’t judge me by the ridiculous time this was eventually posted. You’ll come to learn that I am an enormous procrastinator/multitasker-of-unimportant-things.

4 thoughts on “Lists make this blog look longer than it actually is, so DON'T PANIC (Cristina)

  1. @Shannon YES IT ACTUALLY WAS. Like, really surprisingly good! And YES, Hitchhikers! If I ever meet you, I shall definitely make sure I have a cookie waiting for your consumption.

  2. Cristina – I love your posts! Hopefully, we shall meet at some point. Only 150-200 (ish – or is it more?) in our course. Surely, the much anticipated mass game of Bang!/I went on a picnic and I brought…/other widely overused getting-to-know-you games, we allow us to discover one other and skip blissfully into the sunset, leap through the daisies and become fairies together.

    I look forward to it.

    PS: your post has actually improved my O-week. That’s a feat. You should be proud.

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