Time for a break? I think so! (Adeshola)

Oh Easter Break, I really do adore you and your timing! It’s 6 weeks into semester and has time has gone so fast! I know everyone keeps saying it, but to think we’re half way through our first semester of Uni is actually quite scary. The last 6 weeks have been a blur of lots of new faces, Arts Camp shennanigans, sunshine on the South Lawn, wonderful new friends and  of course the many assignments. So fair to say, we’re all feeling like a break is well and truly deserved, or should I say needed. Half way through the semester and it’s a good time to reflect on study habits, or at least I know I will be and catch up on that work we’ve all been saying “Oh, I’ll do that in the Easter Break” (since about week 3!).

The thing I’ll be looking forward to most about the break is getting to sleep in because it’s the early morning starts that are a struggle (yes, 9am flute choir, I’m looking at you!). Plus, with daylight savings ended and winter quickly approaching, these early mornings are only going to get tougher. Which is why we should all enjoy this amazing weather we have today and that hopefully continues across the Easter break! Besides soaking up the sun and doing some study, I’ll hopefully be able to catch up with friends, although 5 days is really not long enough to do everything I want to do….

Still, it shall be a nice break! But then again, this isn’t Year 12 where you dread going back to school after the holidays. I actually really enjoy uni, from the interesting content of my subjects to the amazing people I have met and of course, the beautiful campus which I just love walking through.

So here’s to a week to re-charge, relax and eat lots of chocolate without any guilt. Then we move on to the second half of semester. I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one!



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