On the brink of a nervous breakdown

I’m alive!

Sorry for that over-the-top statement, but that summarises how I feel right now. By the end of last week, I thought surely I would have a nervous breakdown by week 5(this week) since I didn’t expect I would have so much presentations and deadlines across all subjects this week. But of course, that would probably reflect on my current time management strategy (or the lack of which).

I had about  an average of 6 hours of sleep this last week, staying up until morning (anytime between midnight and 3:30am) then waking up early morning too to do stuff in uni (like group work). I hate group works. Someone mentioned this too in the second year blogs, if I remember correctly. Why do I hate group works? Maybe it has something to do with how I work – that is, I work better when I’m alone. There’s only my own schedule to consider, my own work methodologies to follow, and my own stress levels to cope with. Also, when working in a group, I would just feel satisfied if I have done at least 50% of the work (regardless of how many people are there in the group). I want to have a bit of control of everything, but that’s not to say I am a control freak. No siree, not a control freak. Anyways, I have met my match in one of my subjects, and I am not the least bit pleased to say the least. **big breath** Anyways, at least that group thing is over. For now.

On a different note, I’m excited to be going back to my volunteer tutoring this week. I have skipped it for 3 consecutive weeks for 3 different reasons, and I just feel so irresponsible because of that even though 1 of the above reasons happens to be a health-related one. I’ll also be starting my first ever job in a few days – I have to say I am really not that excited about it as I am pressed for time as it is already. However, I might feel differently later on, especially when I receive my first ever hard-earned paycheck. I just hope I’ll have shifts during the weekends instead of during the week. If I work during weekdays, I reckon I might go mad. It amazes me how other students cope with the whole work-life-study balance. This brings me to the state of my social life at the moment – which is a big fat zero. Well, that’s probably not accurate. I don’t even have lunch with friends anymore because our schedules are so different; sometimes my only break during the day (which serves as my lunch time) is around mid afternoon already. That’s the price I pay for choosing classes that start late. *Sigh* What’s the solution for this situation? Make friends with people who have the same schedule as I do? Aargh.. or maybe I should wallow in my near-loner state of life (then later jump from the atrium staircase of Architecture building coz I can’t take it anymore)? I’m making less and less sense here, so I better stop. It’s weird that I only do a blog post when I have something negative to say. I’ll try to be a bit more optimistic next time (yeah right, it would be probably be easier for me to pull my teeth out with pliers than to be positive).

Auf wiedersen. for now.

 p.s. I used a mac to type this post, and when I published it(the post, that is), WordPress came up with this massive chunk of text and completely ignored how I separated stuff into paragraphs so I had to edit the post again later on during the afternoon. Does anybody know whether that’s the fault of the mac computer or WordPress?

2 thoughts on “On the brink of a nervous breakdown

  1. Grrg!! Its really starting to bug me; these irregular posts by bloggers. I know, I know.. you all have very stressful lives atm and so many things going on that you don’t have time to blog more regularly. SO I DO, especially doing year 12 and I have sooo much more stress that any of you atm, with a million outcomes, tests and exam revision to do. Not to mention sporting and work commitments and lesiure and social activities. However I still manage to find the time to stop by here everyday to see if there are any updates, so i don’t think it should be too much to ask for you too to stop by and update once in a while either!!

  2. Hi Eliza. As one of the bloggers, I apologise for the irregularity of posts. We do have a life, you know. And I beg to differ, you might feel that you have ‘more stress’ than us, and that’s a typical Year 12 sentiment, but imagine doing all the things you have right now just within 12 weeks at a much higher level of learning PLUS other commitments PLUS settling in to Uni life. I don’t mean to unfairly compare your experiences right now to ours, I just want to put into perspective, which is a good thing to have, with regards to your and our experiences as students.

    That being said, I wish you well in your studies and I congratulate you for getting this far AND being able to cope with all aspects of your life.

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