Category: Finding help at uni

  1. Quite odd

    A steep deviation from my weekly post, but the occasion calls for it 🥳 I received the results of my fee remission appeal and it has been rejected because they need medical proof of my being mentally affected by my sudden job loss and are not accepting that the changes were made in a day […]

  2. Summer’s here!

    Loving the break 🥰 And now that the lockdown’s gone, life’s slowly going back to normal. I have got plans for summer that don’t involve worrying about the exam results due this week. Forget about passing with flying colours, I’ll celebrate if I just make it through in monochrome 😜 My local library is open […]

  3. Study another day

    With no lectures and tutorials this week, I am spending most of my time at the Career and Employability department (virtually, of course), picking their brains on resumes, jobs and internships. The number of times I have been there, I am sure I’ll get a job as their ‘Official Doorstopper’, if nothing else 😜 Not […]

  4. H1 for Happiness

    Exams are around the corner, taunting me with the amount of readings I skipped. Yesterday as the exam timetables came out, I realised I was screwed. I thought I was clever for picking subjects where the end-of-semester assessments were an essay or even a take home exam, leaving me with only one real examination. I […]

  5. Feels like Christmas

    Got the whole of next week off and some very pleasant surprises in this one. Does feel like a Christmas morning 🎁 session. So, it all started with an assignment submission gone wrong and me not having any backup. Nail-biting suspense later, I was allowed to resubmit it! Like seriously, how cool is that!!! I […]

  6. Student accommodation in first year – do it!!!

    Hello friends, it’s been a while! Pretty much over two months – I do apologise. But I’m here to tell you guys something every up and coming first year should be made aware of. Now, full disclaimer, I understand that university accommodation isn’t within everyone’s price range. Some of the uni colleges are approx. $30 […]

  7. I’m not a journalist

    Hello sweet potatoes! Semester 2 has officially begun (three weeks ago, actually). Woo! I’m doing my Masters in Global Media Communication and my entire family and extended relatives believe I’m gonna be a journalist one day and appear on TV shows. Wha- I don’t try to correct them anymore. My family has zero idea about […]

  8. don’t worry, be happy

    There’s something that I want to use this platform for more than anything, something that is really important to me – opening up the discussion about mental health. As a high school student I both dreaded and yearned moving to uni and starting anew. I’d moved around a lot, so I wasn’t too keen on […]

  9. Screenwriting: the vaguest, most obscure course at the University of Melbourne

    Here it is folks, what you’ve all been waiting for – a guide to the most obscure course offered at the University of Melbourne! I wish I was joking.   When people ask what I’m studying, the reactions all vary. Some think it’s awesome – some ask me what on Earth screenwriting actually is. No […]

  10. 5 Things You Might Not Expect About Starting Uni…(Kat)

    1: You’ll find yourself making a lot of Harry Potter references… Just this week on a walk through the Old Quad (which definitely looks like Hogwarts), I overheard heated discussion on whether Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff are the better house. Seriously. Since starting uni, I’ve received a wax sealed Hogwarts letter (about time if you ask me), […]

Number of posts found: 62