Category: Money, part time jobs

  1. On poverty, share housing, etc.

    I handed in my assignments. Three days late, but what can you do. I have another due tomorrow and an essay due on the 6th, neither of which I have started. Oops. University is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane at the moment- routine is a good thing. Even if i’m really lazy […]

  2. And on the third blog, she started uni for realz (Cristina)

    I am ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to make this blog not-long. *insert an hour of doing something else/forgetting I had started this post* Right, on with it. So my uni life started quite well, in the sense that the night before starting, I arranged to meet with my new friend before our first lecture (Introduction to Media […]

  3. A Fresher No Longer… (Thus end the breaches of the Geneva Conventions)

    Our closing ceremony just wrapped up. We are free. Free of unwashable Fresher shirts (although hundreds of sneaky washing loads have been done), free of being forced to dance at the drop of a hat, and free of endless vollies of water pistol fire. What a loss! College O-Week has been pretty intense, and I’m […]


    This week at university we had student elections, which were excellent in displaying the power of pamphlet tagging. And while you can despise each particular person for intruding on your day and accosting you every time you go to Union house or the Baillieu (I hate spelling that), you have to admire their determination to […]

  5. Employed and… empowered?

    I actually have something relevant to say: I got a job with the University! And it was fairly easy and I’m very excited. Brief summary of my situation: Living at College, but feel guilty about taking my parents money as income. I do a lot of sport and have College tutorials a few times a […]

  6. Homer to Hollywood: a Student Epic

    Ok. So I know we’re technically meant to put our real names in brackets in the title but I really don’t want to... given my proneness to vicious and bitter rants [...]

  7. Domestic Troll (Natty)

    We had our first ‘bloggers night out’ last night with a highly successful turnout of… four of us. Haha, we went to some union trivia night thing,  it was fun 🙂 Our team name was, ‘Natty and the Nerds’ or ‘Nutty and the Nerds’ as the sign up guy wrote it because  he either a) couldn’t […]

  8. What does and does not constitute work? {Tom}

    Again, note the squiggly brackets. They’re going to be quite a theme this year, so get used to them. Well, I just completed a weekend that I’d initially planned to dedicate to completing a week’s worth of “uni work”. I think the entire weekend can be summed up by the fact that I’m writing this […]

  9. Moomba – The Ultimate Rip Off [ASH]

    Hello world! And welcome back to another episode of .. whatever this is. And fellow FirstYear bloggers, you guys are insane (in a good way) – my last entry has already been pushed to “Previous Entries” – oh to dwell in the past. So its me again, your Pokemon friend, (lyrical miracle. coz’ it rhymes) […]

  10. Pancake shake! (Natty)

    So, my first day of uni is over 🙂 lalala. It was quite a good day actually! I was expecting the introductory lectures to be pretty boring but they were actually quite good, especially ‘An Ecological History of Humanity.’ Our lecturer pointed out how we’re a generation living through two massive global issues, climate change […]

Number of posts found: 86