Domestic Troll (Natty)

We had our first ‘bloggers night out’ last night with a highly successful turnout of… four of us. Haha, we went to some union trivia night thing,  it was fun 🙂 Our team name was, ‘Natty and the Nerds’ or ‘Nutty and the Nerds’ as the sign up guy wrote it because  he either a) couldn’t understand my British accent or b) couldn’t understand why anyone would be called ‘Natty’ so used his common sense and came up with the next best thing. Lol. It was really more of a ‘wedges-eating-and-beer-drinking’ night than a trivia night but whatevs, I had a good time 😀 Oh and the student union bar (U-bar??) was cool too… yet another pro union comment from me lol.

Hmm.. so we’re halfway through this week and my reading is piling up while the contents of my fridge is reaching extinction because I don’t have any extra money to spend on food :S I’m feeling a bit tetchy because I have just spent the past 2 hours cleaning my apartment and am now exhausted and don’t feel like sitting down to 3 hours of work. Also there was an unnecessary level of annoyance when I spilt bleach all over the bathroom floor. For anyone who didn’t know, lots of water + lots of bleach = lots of foam. Oh, and if you try and just wash it all down the drain it WILL just foam back up in your face. Grrr.

 For anyone wondering about where to live next year I’d say stop and think about what responsibilities you’ll have to take on when you live on your own first. I probably spend 1.5-2hours a day just doing the washing/ cooking/ tidying and then another 2 hours once a week having to clean the whole place. It’s not so much, but it does cut into your day a bit. I love living here, but at the end of one of my longer days coming home to a pile of washing and having no dinner ready is a TOTAL killjoy. Hence the post title, after a day like that I feel far more domestic troll than domestic goddess. Hopefully this is purely a mental resemblance rather than a physical one lol… although… haha.

It’s times like that that I usually end up falling into bed having only had chocolate for dinner and then feeling cross with myself the next morning lol (no-one mention this to my mum, she would have a heart attack lol). Healthy eating would be so much easier if I had a chef… perhaps I will look into this. Are there any budding chefs out there who would like to come and make me lots of fruit salad? I can pay you in smiles (urgh how sickeningly cheesy is that?! lol) and… actually that’s about it. I’ve yet to find a job… I went for training for the first one in Union House and then never heard back. Hmmm stupid money.

Still, for anyone who wants to (make like a tree and) branch out on their own I say go for it, it’s great and even the washing up can (sometimes) be fun just because it’s cool doing stuff for yourself 🙂 Yeah ok, point and laugh if you want… I never thought I’d put ‘washing up’ and ‘fun’ in the same sentence either lol.

I wanted to write about something else but can’t remember what it was now, and have realised that it’s already 4.22pm so I should go and do my work before it gets too late. I will write again soon

Love Natty x

8 thoughts on “Domestic Troll (Natty)

  1. Natty could try crashing at some parent’s place. That could provide free food…… or just a lot of yelling.

    Either way it’s something different.

    Also the night was pretty awesome, if a bit long with announcing winners. I’m still wondering who won though? (probably through default, though)

  2. I’m still living at home, but whenever I’m by myself, it’s two minute noodles all the friggin’ way. Cheap, free of any nutritional value whatsover, and the ultimate lazy person’s meal.
    …and sorry to hear about your bleach incident. I guess you’ve got one intensely clean floor right now.

  3. You guys went to Trivia? Argh! I was there! But I had a different team, thinking nothing was organized…

    I was with the ‘TropTards’ and the “Not Comfy Aarons” (remember when I said I know many of the er… ‘fine beverage appreciators’? Yeah… that’s them.)

    Dang. I lost so bad too, wouldn’t of happened with you lot :p

  4. Okay I’m not trying to hijack this post, but I do have sth to respond to all of you up there… (Btw I got home at 12 am, so forgive me for still being up and about. Too excited)

    I’m well-known to have a verrrrry weak stomach. Which is why I like my little bit of hot chocolate in the morning, on the way to uni =P Otherwise I’d probably be cringing and hugging my stomach all day = =

    … which means, I’m kind of wary of what I eat =P

    I wonder too… How would it be by default ? Which team would be the winner then ?

    Argh. In the holidays, when my days were basically upside down, I had instant noodles almost every night. That stuff sure breeds reliance =P

    We never found out who won, ‘cos we all left early. So I’d hold on the dang bit =P Whereabouts were you sitting ?

  5. haha you guys make me laugh.

    yeah, my floor is amazingly clean now 😀 I could eat off it… not that I would, my cooking is bad enough without an added bleach taste :S

    Yeh, I rli want to know who won too! Haha I bet we won just after they announced “first prize has been upgraded to $6million!” but then we didn’t get it cos we left…

    NOOO! Haha I can’t believe we were all there and didn’t realise! Did you find out who won?

    mmm yeah, I’ve already poisoned myself so much though I think im probs immune to my cooking 😛

    OMG! could you have added any mroe comments?! haha 🙂

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