Category: Uncategorized

  1. Check In Time! #5 (mainly ramblings)

    11:16pm, Singapore. The weather has again been getting cold lately, and it’s making me feel really lethargic. In fact, I’m having many brain fart moments right now when typing this (it took me 10 minutes to get out these two lines, I kid you not. I’ve just been observing my 10 guppies and neon tetras […]

  2. Just Another FđŸŒșing First Year no longer

    Just finishing subject selection right now, only an hourish left to avoid that late fee.  So yeah Uni has taught me to be really organised… I’m kidding, hah hah.  I’m also really funny. Hah. h a    h 🍇 So I don’t really know what happens now with this blog because I mean, it is […]

  3. Last Exam tomorrow!

    Yay Less yay my roof is leaking again.  That storm we had a couple of days ago ripped right through, bit of âšĄïž and ⛈ next thing you know it’s just drippity dripping and waking me up at some godforsaken hour.  I mean it was only 6am but like not the ideal start to a […]

  4. Endless ‘Zoom University’

    This year is definitely a tough year. Coronavirus changed everything. Many students like me, are looking forward to once again spending time on our campuses. But according to the recent letter written by the provost, everything is still uncertain. A vaccine is on its way, but a return to normal may be far off. Interestingly, […]

  5. The flat white

    If you enjoy living in Melbourne, you’re probably a coffee drinker. Coffee drinking is a quintessential part of life and an important part of student life aka caffeine hit to keep you awake during early morning lectures. So turn on the chill, cafĂ© music and let’s enjoy the summer holidays. They’re nearly officially here and […]

  6. Done with exams

    So much to do, and so little time [1] . That’s exactly how the exams went. Just glad they are over and done with and now I can enjoy summer. Not saying that the semester is over, just boring studies are. Looking for fun things to do at Uni and make new friends, slow and […]

  7. Check In Time! #4 (with a lot of random life updates, and musings about the semester with friends)

    2:06am, Singapore. I should not be awake at this hour– there’s no need to anyway, submissions are over for me and what’s more, I have a hair appointment early next morning (deciding to highlight my hair brown and cut my fringe, something which I have never done. Let’s see if it turns out to be […]

  8. Inky fingers and orange juice

    I hadn’t realised how slack I had been throughout the semester until I started to revise for my last exam (from the 23rd until the 25th!!!!!! Has really kept this Arts child on her feet). I had every intention of simply r e v i s i n g but that has quickly turned into […]

  9. It really is beautiful, all of it

    Thank you everyone in Melbourne, finally being able to see some of my extended family has been an absolute blessing these past couple of weeks.  How strange, the week my Grandma is able to come to dinner for the first time in a long time is the same week I can go to the pub […]

  10. Check In Time! #3

    1:36am, Singapore. I have just finished an assignment not too long ago, had a long chat and replied a long overdue email. I technically have 2 zoom calls scheduled for tomorrow late morning, and a couple over the weekend as well– ranging from interviews for school stuff, job related calls (will be starting a new […]

Number of posts found: 1217