Decisions – also, fetish clubs?!
Hello and welcome to another round of Shannon-style throwing words at the audience blogging.
I’ve been a busy little bumblebee, or so it seems.
Not in terms of doing much Uni work – mostly in terms of trying to keep up with birthdays and events and the occasional “HEY MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY, REMEMBER MY FACE?” appearance.
Decision 1: during week 1, I changed out of Japanese 2. It was beginning to get overwhelming – I mean, in the tutes all they spoke in was Japanese! Apparently you get used to it after a while, but I was asked a question and it stunned me. Deer in the headlight. Couldn’t remember the Japanese word for family. Awful, awful stuff… So now I’m doing Darwinism!
If you need a level 2 Breadth subject, or if you’re an Arts student – TAKE THIS SUBJECT. It is so amazingly awesome. For instance – oh my god! – – WE COULD BE RELATED TO CANCER. This is actually only vaguely relavant to the things we study, but it’s been a damned long time since a subject has made me so consistently excited.
I should have been a history student. Damn.
Decision 2: I quit Biochem. I’m now only doing 3 subjects this semester. It was a tough call because it means that it will take me longer to do my Bachelor of Science – by about 6 months – but I will do a better job. I will not be constantly overwhelmed by running around campus/freaking out over the tiniest of assessments/I can get my pre-reading done. Etc. I think it was harder on me this semester, having just moved out and am now living in a share house instead of under my grandparent’s roof. But it’s okay!
Withdrawing from that subject was a good idea. A relief. And besides – I now have spare time. And life is for living my dears – you can never tell when your last moment will be. May as well enjoy yourself. (also, stress causes wrinkles.)
Yes, yes.
I’ll get to the good stuff now.
My boyfriend is an artist. A wonderful guy, genuinely loves to draw. (Opposites attract? Science VS. Art?) Last time we attended a Steampunk get-together (This is what steampunk is.) he sketched people, and so he was invited back to do it again at the same club.
A fetish club in St. Kilda was having it’s 7th Birthday party, and I had an industry guest pass. Sweeeeeet.
I actually really recommend going – even if you’re not into that kind of thing (which, by the way, is every kind of thing.). This place has the most wonderful atmosphere, and it’s not full of obnoxious drunken teeny boppers. If conversation is more your thing this is the place. And certainly, you will find a very fascinating subsection of the population here…
Some interesting characters I met the other night: (NB: at 19, I was certainly the youngest there. And this is just a selection of the awesome folks.)
Also, I have noooooo idea how much I’m allowed to say on this blog regarding these denizens of the night.
- some guy in nothing but a mask
- a crazy hyperactive lady dressed like Michael Jackson with vampire fangs and a massive… Err…
- a guy dressed like Charlie Chaplin, complete with facepaint.
- a dominatrix from Adelaide
- a girl who looked exactly like Cleopatra from Rome, who, having noticed that “The Sketcher” was “[my] property” (read: boyfriend), advised me to treat him mean. By the way, Rome is really good, watch it. Perhaps not for the faint-of-heart however…
- several man-slaves clad in very, very little. Complete with collar and lead!
I have a feeling that the link to wikipedia: steampunk may have been directed at me xD or at least I claim to take the credit for revealing to you that not everyone knows what steam punk is. 3 subjects sounds sweet, I reccon the extra 6months isn’t really going to set you back at all. some of my friends are doing 5 subjects, you will think that is crazy =pp
Yeah – actually you can take credit for reminding me that not everyone is up with all the steampunkery knowledge, plus I know my explanation of the topic was somewhat convoluted 😀
And yes, your friends doing 5 subjects ARE BATSHEET INSANE. I couldn’t handle it, obviously…