There isn’t a sweeter word in the English language than holidays. It strikes joy into the heart of every university student everywhere, and particularly in this university student. I finished my exams a week ago and I can safely say I have done very little, achieved absolutely nothing and I am LOVING it. I will have to snap back to reality soon and find a job.

I’ve been looking for a job for a while now. I’ve had a few interview and I have a few more in the coming week. I’ll be quite excited to be employed once more. I miss having an income. Because of my job hunting, I had to delay Sydney for a little while. I feel guilty going and spending money while not earning any. But rest assured, I will be going. I’m determined. I haven’t visited my family in a while and having spent 10 years there growing up, I do miss it. The Melbourne-Sydney rail link cannot come fast enough.

I do plan on having a mildly productive break. I will hopefully be working, but I also plan to continue with Italian while I have a few weeks off, and learn piano again. I’ve already convinced myself that probably none of these things will happen but at least I’ve tried… I also plan on filling my time by volunteering at a few charity events, while also planning events for the Oxfam group I’m a member of.

I’m going to savour every moment of these holidays because before I know it, it’ll be semester 2 and then it’s back to university all over again.

I hope all of your exams went well and you are happy with the results. I’m happy with two of mine… I could’ve done better on the third but what’s done is done. There’s no point in stressing about it now.

One thought on “HOLIDAYS

  1. ‘I’m going to savour every moment of these holidays because before I know it, it’ll be semester 2 and then it’s back to university all over again.’

    mmm… thanks for the reminder. Otherwise I would have been at danger of stressing my way through holidays, but what is the point of that! (Silliness! Complete silliness that would be.)

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