Celebratory Hot Cross Buns (Candy)

Okay, so. I just finished reading a personal blog of a fellow uni student and I am now left with this urge to really make each and every day of my life as enlightening and fulfilling as one human being can possibly handle.

See this blog entry here? I have been scribbling in my diary pretty much every single day: “WRITE BLOG ENTRY” since the 2nd week of semester. Hmmmm. I am accepting of my deep-set procrastination skills. I am not particularly grateful for always being associated with them, however.

NO MATTER! Let me just say, it is truly weird to be at the halfway mark of Semester One. Especially since this year I’m actually keeping on top of my work, and am enjoying EVERY subject.

And I had my first direct experience with subject census dates, which wasn’t too action-packed, but exciting nonetheless. I decided to withdraw from my breadth subject, Brand Management, and take it up during the Summer Semester instead. It was the only subject I wasn’t really focusing on (classic American literature, media studies and justified film watching are too much fun!) but it is still an area I am very much interested in. Not to mention the textbook cost way too much, so. I’m thinking that maybe, just maybe, taking three subjects a semester, and then two over the summer break might be the way to go. Or at least until the breadth subjects are covered.

All I know is – finding alternative ways to do things is quite enjoyable.

Speaking of quite enjoyable – I have finally begun developing a daily writing habit, which I am extremely proud of. If I am to be a writer I need to actually park my kaboose on a solid surface and WRITE. And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing – two celebratory hot cross buns for me!

The only issue I have is with deciding what piece I’m going to focus on – I have so many ideas in the early production stage, because I just find myself flitting between them all. I’ll get there, I’m sure!

Another cause for celebratory hot cross buns – I was going to put my uni work on hold for this week, seeing as it is a scheduled break and all, but just before I was sitting on the couch devouring a novel, when I just felt it was a good idea to grab my laptop and complete the research for my upcoming American Classics essay. It didn’t feel like work; I actually WANTED to do it. Wow. I really am a student this year, as opposed to just being at uni because that’s the natural progression of things in my mind.

Hope everyone’s having a relaxing break so far – I’m going up to Rye for the latter half of the week, and I am seriously excited. And I don’t even mind that when I return I have to go back into student mode – Because didn’t you know, I LOVE BEING A STUDENT.

And okay – I don’t physically attend lectures anymore, and tutes aren’t exactly my cup of tea. Will they ever be is what I frequently wonder. Goal: speak up at least once in every tute for the rest of the semester. GETINTOTHEHABIT.
I am fascinated and intrigued by everything I’ve been learning, though – and isn’t that what it’s all about?

University of Melbourne – I will stop gushing now about how much I love you.

P.S. You’re demolishing the Architecture Building. Makesmereallysad. The foyer is like a train station. And the Prince Philip theatre is quite possibly my favourite, aside from The Spot. Chairs are so comfy.

But anyway. Off I go – more researching and creative writing to be done. Cha-chow. 🙂