A Quick Update (Georgie)
Well, Easter holidays already and this is only my second post. A bit slack really. In my defence though I have been a little busy.
I think I shall break down my life into sub-headings, beacuase hey – who doesn’t like sub-headings?
Moving House
I wish this were the exciting news that I had finally moved out of home into the real world, but unfortunately it was just me and mum moving from our house into a unit in Balwyn. I was a little upset at the prospect of moving from home originally, because even though our house was increasingly decrepit, it was still home. On the up side though, the new place is much MUCH closer to public transport. We are only 1km from a train station, and trams are only a couple hundred metres away. We moved last Saturday, and apart from a few unpacked boxes and a garage full of furniture, it has been going well.
Oaktree – Generate
I am participating in The Oaktree Foundation’s Generate program which is aimed at uni students to introduce them to volunteering and invovles fundraising, seminars and lobbying. I was quite surprised that I got in because I thought I didn’t do too well in the interview, but luckily enough I did. I started a few weeks ago and it has been going well. Have started a group project with some of the girls in it so ti is getting a bit exicintg that we will actually be able to start doing some fund- and aware- ness raising in school soon.
I was accepted into the Student Ambassador Leadership Program at uni and am starting to resent its name as every time I mention the acronym I have to explain what it is. Induction was great, a long day but really interesting. I met my ‘Action Learning Group’ (ALG) who I will work on a project with, and they were all awesome. Have a meeting tomorrow to start getting into our project, which will hopefully be the Melbourne Uni run Neighbourhood Day in 2010.
Today is my one month anniversary of volunteering at Bronwyn Pike’s office – the state mp for Melbourne. It has been really interesting so far, though there is some boring admin work. But I am just excited to be around politics and to see how everything works. Ladies I work with are really great.
World Creative Youth Forum
I can’t remember if I mentioned this or not but I was accepted into the WCYF which is held in may in the Philippines. It’s basically a conference that invites young people from all around the world to discuss issues such as environmental sustainability, technology, poverty, war and peace, climate change, entrepreneurship and a bunch of other stuff. I finally booked my ticket the other day, and was lucky enough to get it for a couple of hundred dollars less than I was expecting. But it also means that while I only miss out on 1 week of ‘Mobile Worlds’ due to a fieldtrip week, but I miss out on three mondays and consequently three ‘Ireland Down Under’ tutes.
In general going well, but very quickly. Handed in a couple of essays before the holidays so I can use this time to start on some stuff that’s not due until week 10. I’m only in two days a week, but I can’t believe how much time everything else is taking. Am missing uni friends a bit and am getting sadly nostalgic for first and second year when we spent hours on end in the pub chatting and debating and eating wedges. Subjects are really interesting so far, but I don’t know if it’s just because I’m making more of an effort because I have finally decided that I want to do the Jd after I finish my undergrad.
And Castro’s is still the best place on campus for a hot chocolate and a chat.
So, cheerio for now, and I hope all is well on your end.
Only 2 days of Uni ??? How on earth were you able to manage that? Is Alloc8 just really kinder to Arts students?
Oh, and this post just goes to prove that we have already met. 🙂
Oh my god, I hate all the unnecessary acronyms for SALP. Why can’t they just call it a group and not an ALG grr…
but congrats anyway, to both you and Gianina.