Category: Social, personal & family life
Better and better (Silvia)
It’s been, what, two or three weeks since exams have finished and I finally had the courage to peek at my results. By peek, I mean squinting at the monitor as the results page loaded so everything appeared fuzzy just in case I got a very terrible score. It took about fifteen seconds for me […]
Perhaps one semester without any disasters? + Volunteering!
Well – I got lots of last posts biggest issues sorted out. I now have a home to live in! It’s old and crappy and the location sucks, but it’s cheap so I can’t complain! I also have a roof over my head so definitely can’t complain! Meanwhile though I’ve fallen in love with my […]
Timetabling is the bane of my life (Silvia)
It’s the same every semester. Thousands of students hunker over their computers, laptops, phones and iPads to log into the university portal and register in their first choice of classes, because no-one wants clashes or large breaks. I am one of these thousands and I was super duper lucky to get into the portal without […]
Now freak out and panic
I’m going to see if I can summarise this. Eviction notice (landlord wants to move in) Housemate moves out, refuses to pay rent anymore even though she said she would until we find someone else to live with us We can’t afford to cover her rent Mum decides that she’s not going to be my […]
A short post, in which I feel a little resigned, before going back to writing this bloody assignment.
This post is largely going to be full of complaints about things I don’t have much control over. 3 years! Or, at least, nearly 3 years. What will I do with myself? I thought I’d know by now. All I really know is that I want to help people – somehow – or maybe go […] -
Chapter Sixteen: Ode To Melancholy (~jinghan)
This semester I’m doing a placement with the In2Science program, mentoring in a primary school maths class for a couple of days a week. It’s my second placement and the students are doing some work on ratios – which, I soon found out, are hard to explain in a clear concise manner off the top […]
Long time, no see [Daniel]
I’ve been travelling around Europe for the last month, after a year of saving. And… It’s been good I’ve learnt things, seen globalisation to a crazy extent (Toblerone is apparently a specialty in Qatar), and enjoyed the hospitality of past friends and acquaintances. I’d recommend it for anyone who has the time (money) or the […]
Part 3: College!!! (William)
Okay so most people think that being at uni is boring and such which I guess is partly true for the people that live in the wonderful land of Melbourne and have to commute for hours on end each and every day….. Sucks to be them…. One of the most pleasant things I have found […]
I Don’t Want to be Poor Forever. (Candy)
It just hit me today (or rather, hit me again) that my present lifestyle does not match my financial aspirations. I’m still spending roundabout the same money as before, but I don’t seem to have anything to show for it right now. I haven’t been in JB Hi-Fi or Dymocks – my usual haunts – […]
Positive Emoticons. (Candy)
Life is coming up roses. And you know what the most fascinating thing about it all is? Skimming over all the facets of my current existence, it doesn’t necessarily fall into the ‘perfect’ category. And yet way back when, when certain aspects WERE running smoothly, I always felt like something was missing. It really does […]
Number of posts found: 143