Please email me if you would like a preprint/accepted version of any of the articles below.
- [SUBMITTED] Ben-Shachar, N., Brumley, D.R., Hogg, A.J. & Hinton, E.M. ‘Viscoplastic slumps supported by a barrier’.
- [ACCEPTED] Hinton, E.M. ‘Microbial growth within porous gravity currents’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
- Sader, J.E., Hou, W., Hinton, E.M., Pullin, D.I. & Colonius, T. 2024. ‘The starting vortices generated by bodies with sharp and straight edges in a viscous fluid’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 992 (A15).
- Hinton, E.M., Leonard, A., Pullin, D.I. & Sader, J.E. 2024. ‘Starting vortices generated by an arbitrary solid body with any number of edges’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 987 (A11).
- Hinton, E.M. & Slim, A.C. 2024. (Open Access) ‘Propagation of a viscous gravity current beneath a granular layer’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 985 (A18).
- Christy, I. & Hinton, E.M. 2023. (Open Access) ‘Two-layer gravity currents of generalised Newtonian fluids’, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479 (20230429).
- Hinton, E.M. & Slim, A.C. 2023. (Open Access) ‘Dynamics and containment of a viscous liquid atop a granular bed’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids, 969 (R3).
- Hinton, E.M., Hewitt, D.R. & Hogg, A.J. 2023. (Open Access) ‘Obstructed free-surface viscoplastic flow on an inclined plane’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 964 (A35).
- Hinton, E.M., Collis, J.F. & Sader, J.E. 2023. ‘The motion of a layer of yield-stress material on an oscillating plate’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 959 (A32).
- Lister, J.R. & Hinton, E.M. 2022. ‘Using a squeegee on a layer of viscous or viscoplastic fluid’, Physical Review Fluids, 7, (104101).
- Hinton, E.M. & Jyoti, A. 2022. (Open Access) ‘Buoyancy segregation suppresses viscous fingering in horizontal displacements in a porous layer’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 946 (A48).
- Saville, J.M., Hinton, E.M., & Huppert, H.E. 2022. (Open Access) ‘Predicting Safe Regions within Lava Flows over Topography’, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, (e2022JB024167).
- Hinton, E.M. , Collis, J.F. & Sader, J.E. 2022. (Open Access) ‘A layer of yield-stress material on a flat plate that moves suddenly’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 942 (A30).
- Hinton, E.M. 2022. (Open Access) ‘Inferring rheology from free-surface observations’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids, 937 (R4).
- Hinton, E.M. & Hogg, A.J. 2022. ‘Flow of a yield-stress fluid past a topographical feature’, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 299:104696 accepted_pdf
- Grenfell-Shaw, J.C., Hinton, E.M. & Woods, A.W. 2021. (Open Access) ‘Instability of co-flow in a Hele-Shaw cell with cross-flow varying thickness’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids, 927 (R1). accepted_pdf
- Hinton, E.M. & Hogg, A.J. 2021. (Open Access) ‘Modelling the influence of a variable permeability inclusion on free-surface flow in an inclined aquifer’, Water Resources Research, 57 (e2020WR029195). accepted_pdf
- Hinton, E.M. & Woods, A.W. 2021. (Open Access) ‘Capillary trapping in a vertically heterogeneous porous layer’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 910 (A44).
- Hinton, E.M. , Hogg, A.J. & Huppert, H.E. 2020. ‘Viscous free-surface flows past cylinders’, Physical Review Fluids, 5 (084101). accepted_pdf
- Hinton, E.M. & Woods, A.W. 2020. (Open Access) ‘Shear dispersion in a porous medium. Part 2. An intrusion with a growing shape’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 899 (A39).
- Hinton, E.M. & Woods, A.W. 2020. (Open Access) ‘Shear dispersion in a porous medium. Part 1. An intrusion with a steady shape’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 899 (A38).
- Hinton, E.M. 2020. ‘Axisymmetric viscous flow between two horizontal plates’, Physics of Fluids, 32 (063104). Featured article. accepted_pdf
- Hinton, E.M. , Hogg, A.J. & Huppert, H.E. 2020. ‘Shallow free-surface Stokes flow around a corner’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 378:20190515. accepted_pdf
- Hinton, E.M. , Hogg, A.J. & Huppert, H.E. 2019. ‘Interaction of viscous free-surface flows with topography’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 876 (912-938). accepted_pdf
- Hinton, E.M. & Woods, A.W. 2019. ‘The effect of vertically varying permeability on tracer dispersion’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 860 (384-407). accepted_pdf
- Hinton, E.M. & Woods, A.W. 2018. ‘Buoyancy-driven flow in a confined aquifer with a vertical gradient of permeability’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 848 (411-429). accepted_pdf
My PhD can be found (open access) here