R.I.P. Chris

It’s been a while since my last post, largely because I am so tired and lethargic these days that I can’t really construct sentences particularly well. That last one was a challenge. So was that. I guess I’ve bitten off more than I can chew these last weeks, working at least 20 hours at Myer and trying to balance that with University work and a social life. While I’ve made a considerable amount of money and am not going to struggle with rent or food this month, I was disappointed to get 6.5/10 for a test in one of my subjects. It was a very stupid test on the Harvard system of referencing, thankfully only worth 10%. But still, I can’t help but think it’s a bad start to the year. There’s an assessment I’m getting back on Thursday too, for creative writing, and I have no idea how well I went in that. All will be revealed shortly, it seems. Although, unfortunately, I’m not going to have a chance to write during the Easter break as I have no access to the Internet at home. Anyway, I feel like Mr. Death who has already died several times over and will proceed to do so repeatedly. I haven’t had a decent sleep for more than six or so hours for around a week. The extensive amounts of coffee I consumed at work over the weekend certainly didn’t help. I’m going to have a sleep after the creative writing lecture, and maybe not even get up until tomorrow morning! Dreamy…

2 thoughts on “R.I.P. Chris

  1. I hope you manage to get some sleep in over the Easter break. It sounds like you really are running yourself to the ground so I hope you can somehow manage to work out a balance between working at Myer and Uni committements. I can’t imagine how hard it must be – I know one of my friends is living by himself in Melbourne and working sooo much…I am worried for him that his uni work will suffer. I wish it didn’t have to be that way for anyone (forced to work so much just to pay rent and eat ect).

    Take care.

  2. You shouldn’t be surprised. Whenever I get something which doesn’t sound so good I find out that people are not getting high marks in general. As long as it’s a good mark that is ‘relative’ to the whole distribution of marks.

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