Cravings (Johanna)

Last night at around 8pm, I suddenly had a craving of the worst sort – I wanted to play World of Warcraft, the hideously geeky game my boyfriend used to be a fan of. It was horrible – I ran down to Kmart in my pajamas to see if they had it. They were out of stock. I went home again and felt all forlorn, but then came another idea! I’d go back, buy a trial pack, and use it at the internet cafe down the street. They were out of stock of those too.

Finally, my boyfriend said that I could borrow his account. I was all set to go, I entered his password, and ALAS – the server was undergoing maintainance. I could have cried…

Chinese wasn’t half as bad as it has been previously… the teacher asked me to read out an entire paragraph in Chinese, which I did, word perfect. I felt all smug. Then in my listening/comprehension class, our tapes didn’t work, so we watched an old Ang Lee movie instead. I love Ang Lee films, especially Eat Drink Man Woman – it reminds me of Taiwan. Between 1995 and 1999, I lived in Taiwan and went to an international school. I didn’t pick up so much Chinese, but the Taiwanese system incorporates phonetic learning for small children. I guess it’s given me some kind of edge.. even if I am still in the bottom half of the class. It’s just so strange watching Ang Lee films and seeing places from my childhood – in Eat Drink Man Woman, one of the main characters works in the kitchen of a hotel where I spent my last week in Taiwan, a hotel that was next to the country club where I spent most of my spare time.

I have decided to coin a new term – well, it’s not actually mine, but I thought I should introduce it. A friendship-crush. Alix (friend from last year) told Jess (same) that she had a frienship-crush on her, and I completely understand. Have you ever thought somebody was lovely and cool and wanted to be their friend? That’s a friendship-crush… I have a couple, but I’m too shy to make anything happen. And these people are out of my league as friends. Grrr… *sulks*

Violin lesson last night! Was particularly annoying because my finger is all bandaged up and I kept accidentally hitting the wrong string, but they fill me with such satisfaction. It’s so nice to do something where you can actually see how much you improve every single week. I’m still only doing very basic children’s songs on two strings, but apparently it’s pretty amazing for somebody who has only had 4 lessons. Music is something that is just.. ‘in’ me. I’ve sung and played piano since I was about six, and we have a dedicated music room in my house – piano, two cellos, bongo drums, pan flutes, two guitars, two violins, and I used to play clarinet. I wish I was still at home… I feel a bit empty without a piano near me.

Enough! I’m going home to write the assignment that is 6 days late!

4 thoughts on “Cravings (Johanna)

  1. Man you were really desperate to play a game that you obviously see as very geeky. You were prepared to spend some of your savings just to play it. WOW!

    And with the friendship crush, anyone worth being friends with is not ‘out of your league’, it’s really just how well you get along with them.

  2. K-Mart exodus in pyjamas to find World of Warcraft? That is absolute, 24 carat gold, I just have to say it…owned. Almost fell off my swivel chair, you’ve made my night.

    What do you think of the proposition of starting an ‘adopt a first year’ program?



  3. PXW, good to hear your wish to look after new students! there are many opportunities around the Uni for later year students to mentor first years, so you may want to check them out.
    As for adopting a first year, remember, a first year is not just for Christmas – they need a lot of TLC probably best supplied by their peers and friends and family … but a generous attiitude from the rest of the Uni community won’t hurt!
    Happy Easter/Mid-semester break everyone!
    Clare (AKA Editor)

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