Emergency, Paging Doctor Beat! *dances* (Johanna)

What fun vacation has been.. not. I’m aching to get back; I need something to fill my days. I love reading the other blogger’s posts about how they can’t possibly fit anymore into their schedules. Sounds like how I used to be, but alas.. my group of friends have been flung in every direction and I have pretty much lost them.

Other than that, I’m travelling up and down rehearsing for Anything Goes. It’s alright.. the tap-dancers are very annoying and unprofessional, making me want to maim them with a chorus shoe! It’s funny that someone as meek as me, continually pushed and bossed around by other people, can harbour such malicious thoughts! Maybe it just makes up for the fact that I never get to express my anger. The girl who is playing the part that I’m understudying hasn’t been to any rehearsals yet, so I’ve been filling in for her – great fun. It’s a fabulous cast.

Alas, the subject of this post reveals what has been the major theme of my holidays so far. Medical things.. I strained tendons in my wrist just before exams, which was great fun. Because of it, I haven’t been able to work at Safeway for the past few weeks, meaning that I can’t be so flippant about buying pretty dresses or going out with Matthew for teppanyaki. And I like being flippant and fancyfree! Grrr.. oh well, it’s all healed, so I can start working again next week. But the real emergency has been my head.. as I was working out last week, I got a horrible, sudden, severe bolt of pain in my head, followed by other weird symptoms. Today I had a CT scan, which was scary. I’m probably fine, so don’t worry.

Despite everything, I’m very excited about next semester. I’ll be doing a theatre studies subject, which is closer to what I think I really want to do. I’m constantly asked why I’m not doing musical theatre at VCA, and I think my real answer is that I’m too scared. I’m hoping that by taking on theatre subjects and doing lots of theatre, I’ll eventually have confidence enough to audition – oh, and after I’ve finished this Arts degree!

I hope you’ve all had marvelous holidays.. they shouldn’t have been as boring as mine! xx

2 thoughts on “Emergency, Paging Doctor Beat! *dances* (Johanna)

  1. Maim with a chorus shoe? That’s some evil streak – wouldn’t want to be bumping into you in a dark alley 😛

    Good to hear your studies have taken a turn toward where your passions lie.



  2. Always plenty of time to go to VCA and do something so specific later is the way I see it. I wanna do their Theatre Directing course eventually, but not before I can say I’ve tried my hand at plenty of other stuff that only Uni offers.

    I can totally relate to the group fragmentation. I came home after five months and my big, happy group was in tatters. Not the best of homecoming presents.

    Oh, and let us know when Anything Goes is, sounds awesome!

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