Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (Johanna)

Sometimes I get this extraordinary feeling of impetus – I have to do something, I have to do everything, right now. It’s not happening yet, but I feel it’s just on the horizon. Yes, there are assignments due soonish that I should attend to, but my heart is just about at bursting point for bigger plans and ideas. I’m just not exactly sure what they involve yet. Maybe a bit of guerilla art.. perhaps!

Last post, I talked about adventuring with my newest friend. Seems that he has sparked something in me that is steadily growing to a flame – university and life in general can seem so aimless when you don’t have a guardian angel to help you along. It’s like in Amelie when she’s confronting Collignon and a voice comes from somewhere telling her exactly what she should have known that she wanted to say, and giving her the power to say it – “At least you’ll never be a vegetable – even artichokes have hearts,” she says, and it’s perfect. Here is a picture of my personal mascot (below), drawn by the deliciously delightful Keri Smith. My personal guardian angel is trying to help me becoming “Daring Girl” – I’m a long way off, but getting closer day by day.

One thing I have discovered about uni is that it isn’t the place to be shy. In my last post, people left an unprecendented number of comments about the difficulties of making friends or establishing relationship here. It is difficult, and even more so when you’re too afraid to really talk to anyone. This semester, I made a point of starting with a positive attitude. After my first theatre studies class, I walked boldly up to the lecturer and told him what a good job he’d done – I introduced myself and said that it was a nice change to have such a passionate and interesting lecture and that he should be proud of himself for being so inspiring. He looked at me like I was crazy, his eyes darted around at more important people standing behind me, and he said, “Yes.. well, that’s good” and floated away. Maybe he was having a bad day, or maybe he was genuinely too busy to accept a compliment, but it was crushing – someone who is supposed to act as a role model and a source of impetus for the students revealed himself to be arrogant and dismissive.

Not all the lecturers are like that though, by any stretch of the imagination. I am taking Age of Revolutions: French Revolution History – the lecturer is Professor Peter McPhee who is an absolute joy. He is the way an academic should be. He has so much passion for what he teaches, it’s contagious. He plays us music and makes us watch films and isn’t afraid to go off onto tangents to keep us interested. For a while, I have wanted to tell him how good he is and let myself be known, but once burned, I’m afraid to play with fire again. The way to go seems to be an anonymous note or something – anonymity suits me, I think.

Gah, I have to go to Geelong soon. Oh the horror. Rehearsal for Anything Goes, which is more than tedious at present. I think I have bemoaned the state of affair before, but let me rehash it for you: as an understudy for a lead, I’m in the ensemble as well but I have a very limited part due to the fact that they might need to pull me out at short notice. Therefore, I have all of two lines in the show. Mind you, that’s two lines more than most people, but I’m craving something more. Being involved in theatre is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world; taking pure emotion and crafting it into a performance on which meaning balances. It’s indescribable, but unfortunately there isn’t a lot of acting involved in saying, “I want my money back!” and “I’m a sinner!”. Nor is there much singing or dancing for me. Gah, let’s not talk about this anymore – it’ll just put me in a bad mood.

Oh, I might as well share my account of a great Krispy Kreme adventure that I had a couple of days ago. Not half as well photographically documented as Sophie’s, but mine has some quirks that hopefully will make it even slightly comparable. After spending a Friday night seeing Snakes on a Plane, drinking cocktails with some theatre friends, eating pancakes and just general silliness.. Matthew, two other friends and I decided that it would be a Really Good Idea to drive to Fountain Gate at about 2am in the morning to hunt for some Krispy Kreme doughnuts. When we got there, I was a bit shocked to see about twenty carloads of people had the same idea. We lined up in the drive through (about 7 or 8 cars long) and went through, spending a ridiculous amount of money on doughnuts. We bought 4 dozen, shock! After a little more driving, we found a suitably grassy knoll and proceeded to eat said doughnuts. A random man with a dog walked past (what he was doing walking his dog in those ungodly hours, I don’t know) and didn’t even blink, like it was an everyday sight to see four gangly youths sitting on the hill surrounded by a sea of doughnuts. We managed about 16 doughnuts between us before we were feeling too sick to go on. Decadent and slightly gross – we had fun. The next morning was a little more restrained: I had one (1) doughnut for breakfast and had the heart to share the rest with my housemates (despite the fact that the majority of them I’m quite sure are in fact Neanderthals who either travelled forwards in time or are the result of some strange cloning program). At least it meant that I couldn’t eat any more.

Overall, the doughnuts were definitely worth it. My advice: don’t try to eat four at once, especially when tipsy.

4 thoughts on “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (Johanna)

  1. Funky post, AWESOME picture. It reminds me a LOT of Kaz Cooke’s work, actually, in particular a lot of her work in a brilliant book my little sister owns about young women’s body image – she (the sister, not Kaz) showed me a fantastic sendup of a front cover of a woman’s magazine with the headlines –
    “All new: The VOMIT diet!”
    “Of course you’re too FAT”
    “Quiz: did you leave the iron on?”
    “New skin product tested: “Mostly Water and Air”.

    Anyway, that’s a whole new topic, but great pic all the same. You go daring girl!

  2. Krispy Kreme doughnuts intrigue me. I am yet to taste, or even lay eyes on, one of these mysterious treats, but everyone seems unduly excited by them. Perhaps I shall one day… endeavour to locate one.

    Jez, I think I’ve seen that book :P. I certainly have read (and even own!) books like it!

  3. I LOVE the pic!!!

    And I adore the Krispy Kreme adventure *drools*…I was craving some just last night!

    As for your experience with the lecturer. My one thought on that was that perhaps it *may* have come across as insincere to him…or he just thought you were ‘another’ student trying to suck up. This is no judgement on you in the least as I know you are neither of those things, however I am just trying to put myself in the shoes of a seasoned lecturer who has seen it all – and it is true that a lot of students try to befriend/say things to lecturers for ulterior motives other than being genuinly honest and kind.

    It is really unfortunate he did respond in the way he did though – I don’t think anyone trying to give a compliment and getting that kind of respond would feel good about themselves *hugs*.

    Please don’t let it stop you from being daring however. For every person that reacts badly, 9 will react well. Most people love getting compliments and it can be a really nice way to break the ice with people you meet – great conversation starter i.e “I adore your necklace, do you mind if I ask where you got it from?”.

    As with lecturers, maybe the softly softly approach will get the best reaction? I ended up having a really good chat with my Quantitative Methods lecturer after exams last semester….I’d originally gone to see him about my exam and then we just got chatting about other things!

    Anyways…sorry to ramble!
    I just hope things work out for you.
    One of my best friends who just started at Melbourne this semester and has found it realllly hard making friends says to me that you just have to force yourself to make an effort, because no one is going to do it for you. She set herself goals of obtaining one phone number from each class. (AND SHE ACHEIVED IT!) She said this really helped and now one class where she thought she would have no friends, she sits in a row of friends!

    Best of luck.

  4. Jez – this particular one does look a lot like Kaz Cooke’s work; alas, I’ve never read any of her works, but I have seen her cartoons in magazines and newspapers. She’s awesome!
    Keri Smith is also pretty wonderful but not quite so political or.. what’s the world, volatile? She’s got a book called “Living Out Loud – Activities to Fuel a Creative Life” that I need. I just NEED it!

    Q – Welll… that day may be sooner than you think! 26th September (I think) brings a Krispy Kreme outlet to Collins Street. They definitely live up to the height – I really didn’t know how good they’d be because I couldn’t really imagine a doughnut so awesome. But they took the most awesome doughnut in the world and made it ten times better. Ahhhh! Must.. stop… salivating… Maybe we can go on a doughnut hunting adventure together!

    Sophie – Happy Birthday to us for tomorrow! Are you excited?
    And to respond to your comment, it did cross my mind that he could have doubted my sincerity. Reflecting on it now, it was probably actually quite likely that he thought I was doing just that – theatre people are notorious for being insincere, gushy and overly-congratulatory. I think I’ve managed to escape being that fake, but if he were used to people doing it, he may have assumed I was doing just the same. It still isn’t nice to be absolutely dismissed though.. oh well.

    Thanks for your little pep talks about being sociable… some people (i.e. ME) really really really need them! So regarding friends, I’m working on it, and I guess I’ll continue to. The Music students are pretty cool!

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