I'm soaring…flying…[nicola]

Right now I’m listening to ‘Breaking Free’ from High School Musical… perhaps I shouldn’t have admitted that. Moving on…

A happy Easter to all of you! This holiday, my dear friends, is one of the most exciting for me, with perhaps the exception of Christmas. How could you not like Easter? There is a reason for Easter… yea, all the hot cross buns, eggs, bunnies – and not forgetting the chocolate – have meaning behind them (perhaps not the chocolate). I have my own ideas, but have you ever thought; hmm… what is Easter really about?

This week has been an interesting one. I haven’t quite got the hang of this work-social balance. For instance… I’ve done no Chem, no Bio, 2 questions in Physics and I’m 2 weeks behind in Management… and we’ve only just finished the 3rd week! However, was supposed to go to a BBQ on Mon, had soccer training on Tues (it won over debating. oh the irony!) Foam party on Wed and an ibud (international/local student buddy thingy) dinner + Dance class + Went out after on Thurs, and since then there has only been 1hr since I’ve not been with friends! Well, safe to say I’ve got the social side down pat!

Alongside the gazillion things one has to do… job hunting, learning how to drive (…must…get…P’s…before…July…), buying a car, [a house, a yacht, a pair of shoes, an island,] it’s a wonder how people do manage to fit it all in!

I’m still finding it tough to make friends at uni, fitting in all the work and finding a job that fits with my hours is proving close to the impossible. Its all quite overwhelming! You meet people in the lectures and tutes, but its like everyone disperses and disappears into thin air.

It can only get better from now on though! But despite all that, life’s great, sure a little more studying would be beneficial, perhaps a little less socialising, to change the subject – the weather has been amazing. Contrary to popular belief. This ‘non teaching period’ (how diplomatically worded!) I shall be catching up with friends, checking out the Melbourne Comedy Festival and perhaps actually getting some study done! What are you all doing?

Oh yea, and I’d love to hear any questions/comments about Easter…


P.S Just a thought, but I’m pretty sure one could live off sausages and beer at uni. Not that we’d would want to.

3 thoughts on “I'm soaring…flying…[nicola]

  1. Oh, you definitely could live off free food here. A little tip if you’re not such a fan of sausages and beer – go to any guest lecture which states that ‘refreshments are provided’ – usually they have healthier fare, like veggies and dip, or mini-sandwiches. Also go to events hosted by the more careerist societies with lots of commerce students and corporate sponsors (can’t think of any off the top of my head although there are a lot of ones in law and I went to one with 85 Broads last year); their free food is usually amazing. I’ve seen fruit, cheese platters, smoked salmon, and wine being offered. If there’s a dean there, the food will be pretty good too. And as a plus, the events are usually pretty good too 😉

  2. Hiya nicola! what happened in ibud last week? i missed out on all the events coz of some virus that decided to attach itself to me for a whole week. so.. alright if u fill me in a bit?

  3. T_T so this is how other uni students live… lol, happy to hear that you are having tons of fun. i’m sure we all are having issues with the work-life balance, myself included 😀 so don’t worry too much about it.

    Have a nice break!

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