Moving On. Moving Out. Moving In. (Gianina)

A week-and-a-half through my holidays (yeah, yeah i know. it’s getting obvious from my blog posts that I have this compulsion to always quantify stuff, especially time), I am slowly getting bored already. Uni takes up at least 60% of my time so once my classes ended, I am left with not much to do. One thing that I have sort of been busy with these last few days is packing. After more than 2 years of renting since my family arrived here in Australia, we are now finally moving to our very own house (is it my imagination, or are there really just quite a few 1st and 2nd year bloggers who are moving residence these last few weeks?) . Sure, the location of the said house is farther away from uni as compared to where I am now; but of course, that would mean that it could be quite a great escape from all the craziness of Uni once my classes start next year. One problem I have encountered is that since I don’t drive/have no car/have no licence yet, it’ll be hard for me to get to and from my current workplace – more than an hour each way, almost like going to and from Uni. So these last few days, I have been tossing and turning on whether I should get a new job or not. Truth be told, I kinda like my current job. But thing is, my manager would not really give me more shifts even though for once, I am willing to work a lot more. I have to consider the cost-benefit ratio here, so to speak, before I decide on anything. I have just been getting 2 4-hour shifts a week these last few weeks, and that really won’t cut it considering the amount of effort it would take to travel to work. That being said, there’s still this feeling of loyalty gnawing at me – my current employer is the only one who was willing to work with my crazy Uni schedule when no one else would, so I should at least return the favour and stay for the busy Christmas season. Sigh. Maybe I just developed such an attachment because it’s my very first paid work ever. Such twisted sentimentality won’t get me anywhere though.

Oh, and I will be going to a Uni society camp this weekend. It’s for the choral society I have just joined. I missed out on a few rehearsals during October and early November, so it’s highly recommended that I join the camp – apparently there’ll be one month’s worth of rehearsals to be held there. Come to think of it, this will be my very first camp for Uni. I have not joined any camp during O-week (partly because the information regarding the camp for my course was just apparently given to local students… I was still an international student way back then, and yeah, I am still a bit miffed regarding that incident.Well, not really.) even though I did join in some group/club/society activities then. Anyways, so I’ll be leaving for the weekend from my current house and by the time camp is finished, the moving guys would have already done their job and I’ll be stepping inside my new house for the first time. Hopefully I would have already decided something regarding my job situation by then.

In other news, as of last week, I am already the owner of an Adobe CS3.3 software (with free upgrade to CS4)! It cost me a few hundred (although significantly less than what is often marketed) but it was really worth it. It’s just too bad that the software itself is going to be  like a 30-day trial until I get the serial number for it. Apparently, since it’s a student edition, I have to submit my student credentials to Adobe and then wait for them to send me the serial number within the next 7 working days. It has been more than one working day, and I am still waiting. I should probably go and search for jobs while I’m at it. 🙂

[Edit: Waiting’s over. I’ve got the serial numbers! Huzzah!]

I am just wondering… whatever happened to our year 12 readers? Your exams are already finished, right?

One thought on “Moving On. Moving Out. Moving In. (Gianina)

  1. Haha I just joined this site to say that I’m a year 12 student (well… not any more, I guess), and have been reading these blogs religiously for the last 2 years. Yes, exams finished a while back, so we’re all currently enjoying the freedom.

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