And on the third blog, she started uni for realz (Cristina)

I am ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to make this blog not-long.

*insert an hour of doing something else/forgetting I had started this post*

Right, on with it.

So my uni life started quite well, in the sense that the night before starting, I arranged to meet with my new friend before our first lecture (Introduction to Media and Communications) at 9am Monday morning. It was really nice going in, not feeling awkward about sitting alone or striking up half-hearted conversations with the person next to you. However, I will admit that I got slightly freaked out after this first lecture, mostly because I got the sense that everyone else in the room was so much more intelligent than I, and I felt extremely insignificant. But I guess it comes with first-day-nerves.

I’m certainly not going to bore you with a run-down of each of my lectures, but basically:

  • Creative Writing sounds awesome, I really enjoyed my lecture and tutes. However, I think everyone in my tute thinks I’m weird: I may have laughed *slightly* too loudly at something, and no one else did, and they all started at me, then I clapped after a boy read out something he wrote, WHICH I THOUGHT WAS REALLY GOOD, but no one else clapped, and they all stared at me.
  • From Graffiti to Terrorism also sounds awesome, and my lecturer is really funny. I think he also thinks we’re all on drugs.
  • Australian Politics should be very interesting, as I’ve never done politics before and am keen to learn about it and expand on what I already know. Frequent jokes about John Howard’s eyebrows are also made, and I heartily approve of this.
  • Intro to M&C turned out to be the least exciting of all my lectures this week, which, I’ll admit, concerned me slightly. HOWEVER, I figure it’s probably because it was my first lecture at 9am on Monday, and all my other subjects either had two lectures or a tute.

In other uni-related news:

  • I felt extremely bad for missing the first Farrago meeting, as I couldn’t find the meeting place D:
  • Three-hour breaks are the best when you don’t have any homework yet.
  • Lying on the South Lawn with old school buddies is awesome
  • The Rowden White Library is cool!
  • No offence to the EMS, but I was really not impressed at all with the jazz band. I’ve decided not to join it.

In non-uni-related news:

*insert scathing rant about prospective job falling through which I may talk more about in my next entry after my head has cooled down*

In future news:

  • Tutes begin next week, so I’d better get right on my reading. Tomorrow. I promise I’ll do it.
  • I’m getting my netbook tomorrow, yayz. Typing faster than handwriting = time for procrastination on Facebook!
  • I’m thinking about getting a UniMelbz hoodie. Yay/nay? Or is it more of an international student thing? THEY JUST LOOK SO WARM.

That’ll do, Donkey. That’ll do. Stay tuned next week for more TALES. OF. INTEREST!


P.S. And just in case you weren’t confused enough by some of my obscure references to things you probably didn’t even realise were references to things, I leave you with more confusion:

I apologise if the video permanently scars you.

3 thoughts on “And on the third blog, she started uni for realz (Cristina)

  1. Glad to hear someone else got lost and therefore abandoned the Farrago meeting. I found more free stuff… So, again, my attention span was defeated by food.

  2. Hahaha me too with the Farrago meeting – clearly, they need to meet somewhere more obvious or give free food as an added incentive to find them!

  3. here here, I too went to a lecture and came away with the impression that everyone else was smarter than me (but secretly i’m hoping it was just the teacher who assumed we were all crazily smart, but in fact no one completely understood everything he said.)

    and in this same lecture I was also a little bit too enthusiastically friendly to the person next to me who now thinks I am crazy and no longer sits next to me xD his problem, not mine.

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