In Which I Write Lists (Cara)

Hey hey, my Internet fans. Aren’t you all looking swell today?

If I were all tech-savvy and had more time on my hands, I’d make this an amazing interacting multimedia posting, à la Cristina, but I’m tired and on one of those mysteriously grubby Rowden White Macs, so you’ll have to put up with plain ol’ black-and-white (or whatever snazzy colourscheme you have set up) WORDS. So, here are some WORDS about what’s new. I’ll even break it into nice accessible lists for you (weird, possibly Freudian typo just then; I tried to write ‘you’ but instead wrote ‘me’. Psychoanalyze it! GO!)

Recent Cool Happenings

  • Centrelink gave me five grand. As a little surprise present, I guess. I was not expecting it, but if you move interstate to study or some rubbish like that, BIG FAT PAYOUT. You should all apply. Just do it!
  • It was Easter break! Holiday! Vacation! Glorious freedom! (Technically: non-teaching period, as ‘holiday’ sounds too much like not-doing-five-hundred-hours-of-study-a-day, which would be abhorrent). So I went to visit my friend who lives in a tiny town on the coast near Torquay somewhere, and we spent a few days out of the city smog swimming, gorging on chocolate and delighting in luxuries not available at college. Such as going barefoot on ground floor. Oh, the ignominy!
  • I found out that someone other than fellow bloggers and people I’ve forced to, read my blog! So that’s VERY exciting. My thoughts are laid bare to all of cyberspace, it seems.
  • I finally found the Systems Garden. Yeah, I’m late to twig on, I know.
  • I went to a party last night dressed as two decks of cards. Yes, I was a vision.

Things That Frankly Suck Ass

  • (Whinge alert!) I am really sick. There’s this infection in my chest someplace and I am all lethargy and headaches and horrible moods and a cough which sounds like a chainsaw climbing out of a drunken whirlpool. I repulse myself a little bit. And am getting sick of people looking at my ashen face and asking my with concern if I’m getting better. Which I’m not, despite being on horrid antibiotics. SO BLARGH BLARGH I HATE YOU TOO, IMMUNE SYSTEM.
  • I’m gradually realising how different uni is from what I had expected, which, to be fair, was some kind of fantasy land of lots of spare time, suddenly becoming a genius, and not having to refuse to go out and do other more-fun-than-study things because of study-needing-to-do.
  • I got rained on while trying to watch a sunset for a crazy Psychology assignment. It all turned out pretty well, though, and my friend and I just got some Thai and bitched about neuroscience. So maybe this should be in the top list.

That’s all from me for, folks. I need to go nap for several hours! And/or try to find a bike basket that doesn’t cost $70. Urgh.

Interactive bonus: What are some good things about being sick? I think it’s pretty exciting how everyone suddenly has to be super-nice to you even when you’re lazy and grumpy. And eating soup all the time is pretty ace! What do you say?

Over and out, toots.

6 thoughts on “In Which I Write Lists (Cara)

  1. Lists are great. Also, people read the blogs?!

    ZOMG THE CENTRELINK SCHOLARSHIP. I didn’t know it existed until the day before it landed in my account. One complaint though: whyyyyy didn’t we get this money when we needed to buy books and stuff? THINK CENTRELINK. THINK.

    1. Eurrrghhh…. Centrelink is so beaurocratic that it bewilders me to death. Maybe they’ll add it to new receivers of youth allowance also?

  2. Re: Centrelink. Do you have to already be recieving payments to get the super dooper $$$? Sorry to hear you’re sick, Cara! I hope you get better!

  3. Hmm, yeah centrelink is intentionally and frustratingly vague on everything. and even the people who work there don’t really know what’s going on. one time i had about 4 of the assistanty-people who were positive i should be getting rent assist, but the computer refused to put it through. siiiiiigh.

    i do know however that once you’ve applied and accepted, you get a scholarship of (i think it was) either 500 or 1000 per semester. it’s something like that.

  4. The scholarships were part of a new bit of government legislation that got held up in the Senate, hence the delay in Centrelink being able to send it through. So this time not their fault 🙂

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