Dear Diary, It’s Me

Hey there fellow readers, I’m here to roll out the red carpet and introduce myself as one of the new first-year writers for the Jaffy Diaries.

As my first semester of university is coming to a close, I figured that instead of buckling down and studying for exams, I would sit here and write a few things about my transition into uni and what you as a reader can expect from me as a blogger.

Look, to be honest, I was pretty honoured when I found out I had been selected to be one of the writers for the Jaffy Diaries. Especially, considering how bad I was at English in High School. But, (Rule #1 of university) we don’t talk about our high school grades anymore. Anyway, they told us we could have pen names, which is like super cool, so for the sake of my next two blogs (because that is how quickly I’ll want to change my name again), please call me Lia. They also told us we can add gifs so prepare to be GIFted constantly.



About me:

  • I am 18 years old and fresh out of high school #living #the #jaffy #life
  • My profile pic is spider pig (#TheSimpsons) because why not?
  • I’m (stressfully) making my way through my first semester of the Bachelor of Science @ Unimelb
  • I love volunteering and donating (blood/clothes/money)
  • I’m pretty good at maths and science
  • I, like most people in the world, have no idea what I want to do in life
  • I have Airpods (shallow, but you gotta flex sometimes)
  • I’m actually from a public school (rare) in the west (rarer) and I had a lot of trouble making friends in the first few weeks (not that rare)
  • I recently went through a few family tragedies which will be its own blog post
  • I have 4 exams in the first 3 days of the exam period and I’m low key bragging about it (odd flex but okay)
  • I can’t sing but I can absolutely try to belt out Miley Cyrus’ The Climb if you ask nicely 🙂

What I hope to blog about in the next few months:

  • Best techniques and tips when it comes to choosing your subjects for each semester
  • My most successful ways of connecting/making friends
  • Best opportunities to boost that resume at uni
  • Grieving/mental health issues and studying (depressing, yeah, but I just want people to know they’re not alone)
  • Best jobs for students to make money while studying
  • Fitting in with/without religion at Uni

So if your a friend, a foe, a stranger, my parents, my lecturer or just someone who can read, please stay tuned for my next edition of Dear Diary.

xoxo Your friendly neighbourhood Spiderpig, (aka Lia)

3 thoughts on “Dear Diary, It’s Me

  1. “Best jobs for students to make money while studying”

    You’ve got my attention, Spiderpig. *insert the Lenny face

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