Category: Social, personal & family life

  1. Holidays begin!! (Simone)

    The sun is shining, St.Kilda are playing Melbourne in thirty or so minutes (hence will probably win for once!! – touchwood though…), and the assignment-free, exam-free, week of (coffee) drinking, catching up, shopping, dancing?, movie watching, chocolate eating, all beckons. Holidays are upon me, hallelujah!! Winter has never looked so appealing. I know you’re absolutely […]

  2. Exam week is sad. Nuff said. (Simone)

    Taking a pit stop to write for you, here, folks. I lie. My pit stop is procrastination. But you knew that, really, didn’t you! Let’s disguise this post as a much needed ‘break’ from study, rather than a delay in beginning my take home exam for Power, ahem… Found myself a little bit overwhelmed with […]

  3. "At uni, you will have loads of free time, won't have to study, and will spend every night out at bars getting crunk with your new mates", they said (Simone)

    A friend’s dad recently remarked, ‘Oh, you’re doing Arts, pfff! So that means you’re spending every night out at bars getting sloshed!’ Ahem, no, not really! For some reason a lot of people seem to think that uni students, especially Arts, are always out at crazy parties, but I’ve done a mini-survery of my fellow Arts […]

  4. I wish I could afford to procrastibake like I did in high school. (Victoria)

    By which I mean I don’t have he funds; screw what I can afford academically, I’ll still find a way to procrastinate. So here we are in swotvac. My last class was Wednesday so if I was a good student I would be knee-deep in studying right now. But I’m not. I have, however, visited […]

  5. Stop- Don't say that it's impossible because I know it's possible. (Victoria)

    It’s Eurovision weekend and I’ve been thinking about the concept of a “Guilty pleasure”. I’ve never felt guilty about things I enjoy. I got home yesterday to find a friend watching Project Runway which he stated was a guilty pleasure. I’m not a fan of the show, but I watch plenty of crappy (read: brilliant) TV […]

  6. Before O-Week and after Y12, I set out some high goals to achieve this year in uni (Kiryll)

    To upend the cliff-hanger, I didn’t quite meet them. Because, what’s more comfortable: making reams of notes or watching The Matrix? Like a helium balloon, my élan fizzled out to trudge the smudged line between staying afloat and sinking in a hedonistic quicksand. Last week during a 3 hour break between lectures, I perched my […]

  7. My little lightbulb moment (Simone)

    Lately I’ve been pondering my various possibilities and aspirations for the future. God, that sounds deep, hey?! But I promise you, I don’t mean to be corny and write a rambling post declaring myself to have these absolutely marvellous life plans where everything is mapped out – like in those movies where the girl decides […]

  8. A view from the streets (Kiryll)

    After a hiatus that saw me suspended from action and breaching every code of blogger practice, I have returned. One test done, one essay submitted to the black hole of Turnitin. Uni is certainly here to stay and its routine has ossified. From that, I decided to bypass the academic chronicles and spoke to my […]

  9. Sitting on the floor of the Spot eating a cold croissant and a hot coffee. (Victoria)

    Call me crazy but I actually prefer my coffee cold. Well, cool. I’m not even talking iced coffee I just like all my coffee with mostly milk. It’s more refreshing than a hot drink.  Also, everyone knows croissants are better hot and buttery but I cbf giving instruction to the cafe so it’s really my […]

  10. Curing those post-holiday, Sunday night blues (Simone)

    It seems I haven’t written for a while again! To get to where I am sitting now, you must fast forward me from: two blissful 12pm Saturday morning sleep-ins, a brief Autumn holiday with my family up to Hepburn/Daylesford, one half-finished Power assignment, a signed, sealed (and yet to be delivered) poem and notes (hallelujah! Always […]

Number of posts found: 416