So here we are (Cathy)

And I’m finally getting around to updating this thing. It’s not that I didn’t want to… it’s just that I didn’t want to.

So anyway, I guess this means I have to do one of those painful introductory posts where I struggle to think of things to say about myself that don’t appear arrogant/inane/boring/totally irrelevant. In which case I think I can just say that I’m a first year student doing a science degree (physics fundamentals, biology, calculus 1, English lit) and pretty much stop there.

Now it’s time for me to go into that clichรฉd routine whereby I sort of squirm in my figurative chair whilst whining “there’s really nothing interesting about me!” which deep down I don’t really believe is true but that I have to say for the sake of form and also so I can buy time while trying to decide what is most socially acceptable thing to say. Is it ok to say that I like reading, like, excessively, or is that too nerdy? I could say that I like sport… which would be true but could lead to potentially awkward questions about what sports I play. I don’t play any sport. (I plan to join the tai chi and wushu club, but that’s another story). Right! I’ve got it! I can say that I like art. Art is cool, right? All the cool kids are into art. If I say I like art people will think I’m mysterious and alternative and stuff. They’ll think that my strange and unfashionable outfit is a statement of protest against the dominance of the bourgeoisie. Yes. Yes. So I can finally blurt it out: I LIKE ART!

And then I start getting strange looks because I spoke too loudly or too aggressively, but this is the internet so I can ignore them. In reality, talking to people has been pretty easy, except for during my last maths lecture when I was the first one into the room and I sat in the middle of the row and the other people sat like five seats away from me on either side and I was like “wwwwwwwttttttttttttffffffffffffffffff?” Like did I really smell that bad or what? I thought everyone was supposed to be sooper friendly and stuff during the first week.

And I just realised I have a lecture in 34 minutes and I haven’t eaten breakfast and yeah. Nice tameetcha all.

3 thoughts on “So here we are (Cathy)

  1. lol! Don’t worry… I like grammar lol. It doesn’t get more nerdy than that ๐Ÿ˜›
    don’t let the people in your maths lecture, I’m sure they’ll get friendlier.. they were probably just nervous too ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. reading is yay =] (yes that doesn’t quite make sense, but i insist.)
    and no sport is cool.

    hmm next time try being fashionably late into your maths lecture ! =P
    okay that’s not really good advice…

  3. I’ll assume that you don’t smell – so the other plausible reasons why those people did that are :
    – they didn’t want to sit in the middle (applies to many people, as it’s harder to get out of the lecture theatre) and prefer to seat near the aisles
    – they were assuming that you’re saving at least one seat to your right or left for a friend
    – they preferred to sit with their friends, who happen to be sitting near the aisles

    it’s most probably reason # 1 I say, so it has nothing to do with friendliness (or lack thereof) ๐Ÿ™‚

    if you arrive late in a lecture, one thing you’ll notice is that the empty chairs are usually the ones in the middle, especially those in the front rows

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