Peskipiksi Pesternomi (Cristina)

The title has nothing to do with this blog. Although if you get the reference, you may allow yourself three cookies.

SO what to say? Well, last Wednesday, Jinghan and I both attended a bloggers/transition volunteers lunchamadoodlemathankyouthingamabobbie. Neither of us knew that the other was attending, so it was cool to finally meet, and I realised that she was friends with one of my friends. I love the smallness of the world sometimes. Anyway, I promised Ron that I’d write nice things about the lunch, so I will: the free food was excellent and it was really nice to hear everyone else’s transition story (especially the adults’!). Also, it was funny how I was instantly recognised by several people before I even put my nametag on, due to my vlog several blog posts ago.  Oh the lulz.

So, last week of uni eh? Pretty scary. The semester has FLOWN by. 1/6th of the way through my degree! WOO. No srsly, that’s scary. And I still don’t know what I want to do with my life. HALP. D:

In an attempt to make this blog post interesting, due to my newfound knowledge that there are several people who are forced to read each and every one of our blogs as part of their job, I shall finish this post off by writing a special limerick just for you. WARNING: Will not have anything to do with anything (much like the title of this blog)

There once was a llama named Ted
Who each day was forcibly fed
Roast snail and string beans
Not the best of cuisines
So he ate his dear owner instead


P.S. Coming up with things off the top of my head is one of my preferred past-times.

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