Cristina would like to re-add you as a friend. Confirm/deny? (Cristina)

Dear person reading this who (hopefully) used to hold me in high regard but would now probably feel inclined to deny a friend request from me on Facebook due to my appalling blogging skills,

It has been roughly 46 days since I last blogged. You probably want an explanation for that. Well, to be perfectly honest, you’re not really going to get one. A bunch of poor excuses is probably the best I can do. Examples:

  1. *Generic comment about exams and assignments.*
  2. *Generic comment about unusual canine consumption habits.*
  3. *Nonsensical blaming of inanimate objects as the cause of my motivational demise.*
  4. *Off-handed remark about the appalling lack of hat-wearing men in the world.*
  5. *Lament over the superfluity of non-hat-wearing men in the world.*
  6. *Reference once again to the notation that I create a large vacuum.*

And so on and so forth. Basically, in the time since I last posted, the following things have happened:

  • Final assignments were started, procrastinated over, and finished at the latest time possible
  • A certain Australian Politics exam was fiercely hated
  • I got a job at Kmart Moonee Ponds. Come visit me! If you’re having trouble identifying me, just look for the register where numerous alarms are going off due to my general incompetence.
  • Melbourne Uni StalkerSpace – it is hilarious
  • Timetables were created
  • Results were humorously released many days before they should have been due to sneaky snooping around the portal

I would like to expand on the last two points a little. Firstly, timetables produced a fair amount of angst and lulz. My friend and I were right there at 10am, having pretty much already figured out what we wanted to do, but I must say that while the system as a whole is a good idea, it would have been nice if it didn’t take half an hour to work properly. Β Also, I have a lecture clash, grr. I don’t want to change subjects. Irritating. But I practically have Thursdays and Fridays off if I don’t go to my only lecture on Thursday, so woo! πŸ˜€

As for results, well! For starters, I wish to point out that out of all my subjects last semester, Australian Politics was definitely my worst, results-wise and doing-things-properly-wise. A H3 and a P aren’t really the most impressive of marks, although I was suitably stoked that I didn’t fail. At least it proved to me once and for all that there was a very good reason why I had never done politics before. πŸ˜› So when it came to pass that we could access our results in a sneaky way on the portal, 3 of my 4 subjects – Politics being the odd one out – had their results up, as the Politics exam had only been a few days earlier. I was most pleased with my results: straight H2B’s (70, 70 and 72). Considering I did not put a large amount of effort into my work, I was more than satisfied with this, and it also gave me motivation to try a little bit harder next semester. So at this point, considering my previous two marks for politics, I was praying that I would be able to scrape a H3 if possible. The day came when the result was released. Get this: Australian expletive Politics ended up being my highest mark. I got a 73. All I can conclude is that I must have raped the motherexpletive expletive out of that expletive exam! Maybe you guys can help me speculate: having attained a H3 and a P, what would I have got on my exam to be able to manage an overall score of 73?! I am so confused. Rapt at the same time as horrified that Politics was my best subject. It’s such a typical Cristina occurrence.

On that note, I shall leave you. I hope this wall of text will sufficiently make up for my lack of presence. And if not, I have a present for you: This was made during the procrastinative period between the handing in of my 3 final assignments and the agonising wait for the Australian Politics exam (two weeks later, on the last day of the exam period).


P.S. Are you also a gleek? (If this question seems out of the blue, then you didn’t click on the above link and have henceforth made me sad. Though if you do click on the link, be sure to read the video description. I don’t do things like that just for the hell of it…usually)

2 thoughts on “Cristina would like to re-add you as a friend. Confirm/deny? (Cristina)

  1. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I am friends with her. Well, that and the fact that her mum makes yummy desserts when I come over. In fact, the food is probably the only reason I come over. πŸ˜€

    *Laura and Cristina are now friends*

  2. I’m a bit of a gleek… but after watching your video I don’t think I can consider myself a full-blown gleek anymore. Can I just say: wow.

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