Category: Hobbies & sport

  1. Looking after your body: exercise

    *First and foremost, I am not pretending to be a nutritional expert or fitness guru, rather, this is what works for me!* University is a great time in your life! Whether you feel it or not, you’re an adult now; independent in your education and becoming independent in all other aspects of your life. Looking […]

  2. Looking after your body: food

    *First and foremost, I am not pretending to be a nutritional expert or fitness guru, rather, this is what works for me!* University is a great time in your life! Whether you feel it or not, you’re an adult now; independent in your education and becoming independent in all other aspects of your life. Looking […]

  3. Looking after your body: sleep

    *First and foremost, I am not pretending to be a nutritional expert or fitness guru, rather, this is what works for me!* University is a great time in your life! Whether you feel it or not, you’re an adult now; independent in your education and becoming independent in all other aspects of your life. Looking […]

  4. Why showering at Uni is the best

    Don’t judge me just yet. I have showered at Uni Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week, and as I walked in yesterday and reveled in the luxury of having all of the showers to choose from, I began to wonder why the University Sports Centre showers are hardly ever used? I play futsal at Uni and […]

  5. A Day in a Musician's life Part 7 (final) – Nicole

    Hello! I apologise in advanced for not posting yesterday! I just had one busy, yet annoying day; my laptop decided to go crazy all of the sudden with updating. Ugh… Updating. It took almost the whole day Also, my Microsoft Office decided to crash… multiple times. Well, I guess yesterday was just a bad day […]

  6. A Day in a Musician's Life Part 6 – Nicole

    Saturdays. Ahh… I always cherish every outing when my mates, whenever I get a chance to hang out in the weekend. I always have a good day whenever I have an outing, because it’s nothing to do with studying at all. I personally wish I can do this every day, but as you’d all know based […]

  7. A Day in a Musician's Life Part 4 – Nicole

    OH MY GOD, IT’S FINALLY THURSDAY! Usually, Thursdays are my Fridays pretty much. Why? Well, I have a day off tomorrow. Woohoo! But! That doesn’t mean I get to sleep in tomorrow. Nah uh. Tomorrow, I go to uni to practise, and study/catch up with my other mates at uni, which is super awesome!   THURSDAYS […]

  8. G'day, fellow readers! – Nicole

    Hello, I’m Nicole, and I’ll be one of your First_year@unimelb bloggers! I’m super honoured to be a part of this wonderful committee, and hopefully you’ll be enjoying reading our lovely posts about our experiences this year. Few things about myself! Well, I’m a Bachelor of Music student, majoring in Music Performance and Classical Studies on piano. My […]

  9. It's Madeline, It's Madeline (Madeleine Lily)

    Hello friends! I hope you all got the reference to the cartoon show, circa 1990. If not, here is a picture of her looking adorable as always, and my condolences for your depleted childhood! So “Madeline” and I share the same name, if you didn’t already figure, but that’s about the extent of our similarities. […]

  10. Before O-Week and after Y12, I set out some high goals to achieve this year in uni (Kiryll)

    To upend the cliff-hanger, I didn’t quite meet them. Because, what’s more comfortable: making reams of notes or watching The Matrix? Like a helium balloon, my élan fizzled out to trudge the smudged line between staying afloat and sinking in a hedonistic quicksand. Last week during a 3 hour break between lectures, I perched my […]

Number of posts found: 96