Category: Social, personal & family life

  1. 'Ello There Mate! (Phoebe)

    This is my first blog post and as you might be able to gather, I’m a little nervous. I find it easy to communicate and connect with people I know but the idea that my thoughts and feelings are being read by many is a little daunting; the mind, after all, is our most private […]

  2. When life hands you lemons (Adi)

    It’s been five weeks into uni and needless to say the assignments have been flowing in: like why do essays insist on not writing themselves? Not to say that I’m not adoring my subjects because I actually am, they have fortunately met my expectations – thank goodness, well except my breadth subject but that’s a […]

  3. I can't think of a title (Adi)

    The flu finally caught up with me so the diligent tone I hope to set this semester has taken a bit of a back seat. Seeing as the bug is going around it was only a matter of time until it caught up with me. It’s my third week into College and all I can […]

  4. Home then back again, kapow! (Juliet)

    The holidays are nearly over and the slog begins again. Or so I whine. It has been a lovely winter break and I must admit I have mixed emotions about the semester ahead. I’m so used to waking up late in the morning with the sun streaming-in through the blinds in my old bedroom, with […]

  5. The End (Simone)

    Nearly a year has flown by since I began writing on here – freaky stuff. I haven’t really come to terms with being a ‘second year’ uni student yet! I think 2013 was the fastest year of my life! But, yet, a really good one. Life just keeps moving, doesn’t? I feel like we’re always […]

  6. RE: A little letter to the [past] and beyond (Simone)

    Back at the beginning of the year I wrote this cute (cute? Strange? You decide!) blog-letter to my future self. Here’s a link to it – A little letter to the future and beyond (Simone) – (I’m going to post it underneath anyway). So, as promised, here is my reply 🙂 Don’t worry, this isn’t going to […]

  7. 23 things I've learnt in 2013 (Simone)

    I write to you on my official last day of university for 2013. There are exams, essays, references, stress-outs, and all-nighters still to come over SWAT-VAC and beyond, of course. But I still feel like today is a momentous day, my last day of going to classes as a first year UniMelb student. Wow. Time […]

  8. I'm nearly a third of the way through my degree and that terrifies me quite a bit. (Victoria)

    I read a lot of fanfiction. Like, a lot. Like at least six since lunchtime. I’ve been reading it for years and I’ve developed such perfect headcanons for my ships that I know exactly what to look for to make me happy. One of my favourites is academia!Merthur. Merlin and Arthur meet through the university […]

  9. Semester Two, end of week 3: already behind in readings?! Yes. (Simone)

    On Thursday afternoon, a massive tidal wave of assignments and readings pulled me under. Now, normally, I can swim through these – after year 12 my freestyle is pretty solid! – but, I feel like right now I’ve started to drown. It’s all too much, and I can’t see any cute life guards ready to […]

  10. I'm home and everything is wrong. (Victoria)

    So, as you should know, I moved out of home to go to UniMelb, so going home for holidays is one of the things I do. So I got home about an hour ago and have only noticed how different everything is. My parents now have no children at home (I was the seventh and […]

Number of posts found: 416