Category: Study
A guy in the library just stood up and did his fly up. I'm concerned as to why it was undone. (Victoria)
He did it all casually not as though he was surprised to notice it was open. I can officially say my first week of uni is complete. For the most part I’m happy with my subjects. I’m super happy with Creative Writing: Ideas and Practice and An Ecological History of Humanity. I’m glad I chose […] -
The Last Post
Hello fine readers, Alas our term on this blog has come to an end, not sure which of us shall be progressing to the second year blog, “Back for Seconds” however I would like to take this time to say it has been a real honour to have been allowed to participate in this blog. […] -
Drawing to a close.. (Benjamin)
Heya people! It’s been a while, I know. Essentially the reason why I have not posted recently is due to the fact that I have been pretty busy, finishing off those last pesky assignments, and other fun* things. I also realise I have used this excuse a lot. Ah well 😀 I guess that’s the […]
Student elections, major dilemmas and the long awaited break (Adeshola)
We’re more than half way through second semester. In fact, eight weeks in and the scary thought that second year looms upon us not too far in the distance has popped up. It’s been awhile since I last posted, as Uni has been quite hectic lately. Let me fill you in with what has been […] -
Plodding along (Benjamin feat. David Guetta and Bowser)
Greetings y’all! I am aware of the fact that this is a late blog, so apologies for that. Have had plenty of assignments, Midsemester tests and work to entertain myself with lately (and when I say entertain, I mean that in the loosest sense possible :P). A few weeks ago now, I was lucky enough […]
Round 2 (Emily)
So I’ve started the semester off with a cough by immediately faltering in my intention to attend every lecture, every class and keep up with the notes of the former. In my defence, I’ve been sick. Which sucks I’ve got to say, even though everyone knows it already. Just the typical flu/cold thing that every […] -
Back to the gallows! (Jessica)
I’d firstly like to start off by saying that I am oh so proud of the group of bloggers we have! We all post so regularly, so it is great to always have a new post to read. Anyway, back to main point of this post. Yes, I did refer to University as the gallows. […]
I'm baaaack :D (Monique)
So hi…… I kind of wrote one post and disappeared and.. and please forgive me! *gets down on knees*, I’m begging you; I never meant to hurt you first year uniMelb blog! I still love you, give me one more chance, I’ll never leave you for that long again! Please, you know we were meant […] -
Post exam post? (Adeshola)
Semester one of uni? Check, done, finito! It’s finally complete over. No more readings, no more feelings of guilt every time I log onto Facebook, no more assignments or exams! We’ve finally reached the end of Semester one. SWOT VAC was quite honestly, horrible. If, like most first year students you were attempting to cram […]
Procrastination Post (Jessica)
Hello one and all, I know it is the middle of SWOTVAC. I know I should really be studying right now – but I need a moment or two to relax my noggin’ before my head literally explodes! This past week of SWOTVAC I’ve found myself at Uni more than I was during the semester. […]
Number of posts found: 414