Musings of a First Year University Student (Benjamin)

Hello there!  How are things everyone?  Well, Semester Two has well and truly begun with assignments, tests and study galore, which is rather frustrating seeing as the Olympics are on.  True, the reruns are on the tele at Union House but I haven’t really had the time.  Good to know that the MX doesn’t have to start flipping the medal tally around again for the sake of saving national pride. 😛

Man, it’s been busy.  This semester it seems that I have more assessment and assignments than last, which is fine.  I mean, if I weren’t doing work, I’d just be having massive facebook stalking seshs and reading.  On that note, I apologise for not attending the bloggers lunch last Friday.  It transpired that I had work an hour after university, something which I hadn’t thought about when I’d been blogging, hence my absence.  I suggest that we bloggers try to organise a catch up some other time perhaps?  It would be good to see/meet you guys again.

One consequence of being busy is fatigue.  So naturally, when you’ve got a five hour shift at work straight after a full day at uni, you’re really relying on that coffee/grape Fanta to get you through.  Generally this works, apart from the other day.  I’m a check out chick (‘lad’ just sounds funny), right.  So basically, one thing you need to do is talk, which is fine for me, seeing as I generally do that too much 😛  Anyway, so what happens right, this middle aged lady walks through the checkout, and I’m scanning her items and all that, you know, pretty uneventful.  When she was done, she walked off, and I meant to call after her ‘See you later, bye.’  BUT INSTEAD BECAUSE I WAS SO TIRED I STARTED TO SAY ‘See you, love you, bye.’ as I would to my parents.  Thankfully I managed to catch myself halfway through the ‘love’, so that it sounded more like ‘See you loovaaater’.  I don’t think she heard, thankfully.  But by golly, talk about what could have been fantastic customer service!  You’ve got to do what it takes to get people to come back, right? 😛 But at the same time, whatever happened to ‘treat ’em mean, keep ’em keen’?  Hmmm

Open Day’s coming up next weekend, and I’ve been fortunate enough to be given the chance to be a part of it.  I’m going to be a host!  So if you have nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon, come down to uni for what shall prove to be a fun filled, exciting time from a rather energetic tour guide 😀

Also, speaking of upcoming events, isn’t Prosh Week coming up?  From what I’ve heard, it apparently is a rather interesting affair, so I’m looking forward to see what shenanigans people get up to this year.

OH YEAH.  For all of those CHEM 10004 students out there, you know how our lecturer wanted us to make some sort of song for Markovnikov’s rule?  Well the powers of showering singing and auto tune have combined to bring you the following soon-to-be smash hit:
It’s nigh ununderstandable, I know 😛  The lyrics are: ‘Markovnikov’s rule: When H-X adds across the double bond, the X adds to the most substituted carbon’.  Let me know what you think 😛

I’ve had my licence for a couple of months now, and let me tell you, it makes life so much easier.  One of the best things about it is that it permits you to sing along to tunes on the radio with slightly more privacy than what you’d get in the shower at home.  So, it is pretty fantastic.  That is until you belt out a rousing rendition of some song on the radio called ‘As Long As You Love Me’.  And realise that it is sung by Justin Bieber.  And end up buying it anyway later that night.  Makes you lose a lot of self beliebef.

Last Sunday I was quite literally caught with my pants down when I rocked up to basketball without my trousers so I had nothing to change into.  Luckily, on ‘shorts’ notice, one of my mates had an extra pair so I’m very thankful that he saved me from wearing what would otherwise have been a choice between size 10 hot pink shorts or sweaty paraphernalia. 

I’ve recently taken up playing volleyball with a few mates from school which is good fun.  It’s important to keep in contact after school, because trust me, in uni it is much much harder to do when you don’t see each other as often.  Anyway, so it’s quite good actually.  It’s indoor beach volley ball and everyone mucks around and doesn’t take it too seriously which is great, it’s always good to have a bit of fun.  I generally rock up in boardies to go with the beach theme.  With regards to the match, it was sort of close until they found out our weakness; me.  What followed was the ball gaining the annoying propensity of going towards me, the slightly overexcited, enthusiastic self-proclaimed cheerleader.  On the bright side, I got some shots back.  On the dark side of the force, I didn’t.  One part I enjoyed was every change of sides you got to give the enemy other team a hand shake.  One of the players and I tried to do a high five whilst looking in opposite directions and missed three times consecutively, arms flailing, before deciding to make contact.  Obviously that sort of thing requires a more hands on approach.  We haven’t won a match yet, but I’m sure that’s soon to change.

The weather this week was generally pretty off.  My umbrella had a bit of a hissy fit and now refuses to work as well.  Lucky I got to share with a couple of friends who had brought a spare so we all managed to squish in together, a good effort if I do say so myself.  Hopefully the sun decides to make an appearance this coming week like it did on Tuesday which for a lot of reasons was just a fantastic day.

Right, I’ve got to get going so have a great week everyone!  Hang in there, stay warm and stay well (I’ve got a snuffle too, Monique, minus the cough though)

Lots of love,


Benjamin x


P.S. Big Brother starts, Monday!  I’m actually excited.  I hope they bring back Friday Night Live!

3 thoughts on “Musings of a First Year University Student (Benjamin)

  1. Haha..the chem song is great! 😀 well done!

    We definitely need to all meet up at some point, however I’m currently notorious among my friends for being a shocking organiser so I’ll leave that to someone else to hopefully work out…

  2. Haha, I would love it if a person at register said that too me 😛 I would feel so special 😀 Agreed for the catch up, I want to finally meet you guys!

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