Category: Careers, decisions

  1. Ze end

    I missed my entire last week of my first year of uni. For the past two weeks-ish, I’ve had a cold and not one, but TWO ear infections. My body hates me. So I’m trying to get extensions for everything, as I’ve been able to do nothing. Blah. 🙁 But overall, a great first year. […]

  2. The Thrill of Conformity

    Let’s be honest: buttoned-up shirts, skinny jeans, high-top shoes – a common look around campus, yet something which doesn’t suit everyone (*Mark). Whether it be indie, well-dressed, under-dressed, or simply the comfortable clothes of someone who doesn’t care much for the trappings of modern society and its embrace of the superficial, everyone should have their own […]

  3. Dot-point dissolution

    So today I bumped into not one, not two, but three people who I know read this blog, one of which was none other than Ron himself. This prompted me to feel very sheepish in regard to my severe lack of blogging (in more than one area, but more on that in a second), and […]

  4. Felt that someone other than Jinghan should contribute for once.

    On the topic of Stalkerspace, and crappy course advice.

  5. Exam results: miracles, and disappointment.

    Expected to fail one subject, but passed that and failed another. It's like being crushed and being exhilarated at the same time... Resulting in confusion-wrapped nothingy-ness.

  6. "I hope you're happy in the end" (Pris)

    I’ve had an epiphany. A bad one. At a bad time. I think this is bad. I don’t think I like my course. I like uni. I like the people and the environment and the freedom (although, I am beginning to miss structure. I’m such a procrastinator!). I like the campus and the city. I […]

  7. Peskipiksi Pesternomi (Cristina)

    The title has nothing to do with this blog. Although if you get the reference, you may allow yourself three cookies. SO what to say? Well, last Wednesday, Jinghan and I both attended a bloggers/transition volunteers lunchamadoodlemathankyouthingamabobbie. Neither of us knew that the other was attending, so it was cool to finally meet, and I […]

  8. Chapter Seven: On Age and Youth (~jinghan)

    Since the start of university, I seem to have reverted to a childish fascination with everything. All the small things excite me – like water falling from the sky, the warmth of beds, the cups of acorns, the shoes people wear, the shininess of pull-rings and the cracks in pavements. I have even created some new cork-dolls from those […]

  9. End of Semester[Daniel]

    Well it’s finally the end of the year and thus my first year at university. I’ll no longer be a new guy! Hoorah! So I’ve decided for some tips for myself, if I had a time machine to give them back to myself: One thing that I must stress, if you are interested in Understanding […]

  10. Went to the country, returned alive. (Peech)

    So, I finally kicked my ass into gear and went about finding some farm work for the holidays. It was a mildly frightening task (for a sufferer of social anxiety) made more difficult by the unfortunate fact that farmers are not keen on the internet.

Number of posts found: 101