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Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Confirmation Talks 2022

Every year, first-year PhD students present their PhD projects as part of their 9-month milestone review of their candidature.

This year, the confirmation talk seminar was held on 21 November, with the seminar showcasing a myriad of studies that include: the investigation of linguistic features of Australian Aboriginal English, the effects of language tasks and/or input on second language acquisition and production, socio-phonetical analyses in World Englishes, interactional competence, and the effect of feedback on students’ writing, just to name a few. The full list of projects is listed below:

Charlwood KateA linguistic description of contemporary Tiwi
Wynyard  TulaTopics in Ritharrŋu/Wägilak Grammar
Domazetoska IvanaThe as-predicative construction in second language acquisition: Triangulation of corpus, psycholinguistic, and intervention-based evidence
Aldossari AlbandayThe L2 production of Arabic geminate consonants by English- Japanese, and Italian speakers.
Lan ZengyuSociophonetic difference in vowels between Singapore standard English and Singlish
Wang MenghanEmbodied mental simulation in second language processing of English prepositions
Guzman Polanco ValentinaThe effects of pre-task planning modes on L2 learners’ writing performance
Sadeghi MichaelSecond language learners’ uptake of recasts, L2 development and self-repair behaviour: Contributions of task sequencing and working memory
Zhang ChenyangPolicy intentions and realities: Assessment of non-common foreign languages in China’s secondary education
Gao Wei (Rena)Developing interactional competence during study abroad: Listener response of Chinese L2
Zhang HangyuStudents’ development of interactional competence in Australia: To what extent and by what means
Rahman ArifAn investigation of scaffolded feedback on dissertation writing: A longitudinal study of Bangladeshi postgraduates and supervisors
Dang Ngoc ChauEnglish language support for NESB students across disciplines: A comparative study of Vietnamese students in an EMI setting and international students in an Australian university
List of presenters and their research topics during the confirmation seminar.

Congratulations to our first-year PhD students on the confirmation of your candidature! All the best to your PhD journey from here on!


Related post: Tips for confirmation by Catherine Roberts