SoLL Event: Boost Your Writing Productivity with SoLL Postgraduate Club’s “Shut Up and Write” Sessions

Xiaoyi Zhang

The SoLL Postgraduate Club recently ran “Shut Up and Write” on April 8 to launch the new semester. The event was designed to promote the academic progress of graduate students while fostering a sense of community among them.

The two-hour event, which took place in a hybrid form in Room 507 of the Babel Building and via Zoom, attracted nine enthusiastic participants eager to focus their time on their writing projects and their work. Under the guidance of the event’s organizer, “Pomodoro Chief” Alan Bechaz, participants adopted the “Pomodoro Technique”, a structured method of working with short breaks as intervals to improve their writing productivity.

Recalling the origins of the SoLL Postgraduate Club and the motivation behind “Shut Up and Write”, Alan shares insights into the club’s development and desires. He emphasized that the goal of the club is to provide social, academic, and professional development opportunities. The “Shut Up and Write” activity is one of the foundational activities. Alan emphasized the importance of creating a supportive environment where participants can achieve their writing goals while enjoying the fellowship of their peers.

The event’s organizer, “Pomodoro Chief” Alan Bechaz. Photo by Xiaoyi Zhang.

When being interviewed, Alan mentioned, “I think the idea is that by doing that together in a group, there’s a kind of mutual accountability, a sense of support. I guess the benefits are that there is dedicated time and space to get some work done but with a bit of added peer support.”

Alan highlighted the club’s openness to feedback and suggestions, encouraging students to actively contribute to shaping future events and activities, “I’m really happy to hear what anyone might want from an event like shut up and write. I think the student club is generally really open to suggestions and input from anyone in the school.”

The fortnightly sessions are scheduled on different days to suit different schedules, providing a dedicated space for participants to minimize distractions and make significant progress on their academic projects. By maintaining the “Pomodoro Technique” and incorporating regular tea breaks and conversations, the sessions balanced focused work with social interaction.

Feedback from participants suggests that the “Shut Up and Write” sessions have had a positive impact on writing productivity and SoLL community building. Luka Balukia, Hannah Wang and Eleanor Kettle appreciated the benefits of the structured writing time, peer support and networking opportunities provided by the “Shut Up and Write” program.

Luka Balukia focused on his writing.
Photo by Xiaoyi Zhang.

Luka Balukia noted that the collaborative atmosphere improved his writing and cognitive skills, “My primary motivation for participating in the shut up and write sessions was to enhance my writing productivity. While I do write at my own pace and schedule, I found that these structured sessions encouraged me to focus solely on writing, resulting in increased output. I noticed that the writings produced during these sessions were often more coherent and insightful compared to those done at my desk independently. Being in a group seemed to boost my cognitive abilities, ensuring a more stimulating and productive writing environment.”

“I really love the sense of community exhibited during these sessions. The shared engagement in the writing activity creates a collaborative atmosphere that I find very motivating. Also, it’s rewarding to interact with individuals at various stages of their PhD journeys, all united by a common goal of advancing their writing.

“I appreciate the effort and dedication put forth by the shut up and write sessions organisers. I really really love the the freshly baked cakes and/or cookies. Alan’s baking skills are truly impressive and always a highlight of the sessions!”

Eleanor Kettle, on the other hand, emphasized the value of socializing with peers at different stages of the process, “I’ve enjoyed attending the shut up and write as it’s a great way to get work done while also having the opportunity to socialise with other students in SoLL, particularly with students at different stages in their candidature, and from various backgrounds.

Hannah Wang was concentrating on her work.
Photo by Xiaoyi Zhang.

Hannah Wang emphasized the importance of structured learning and praised this activity for improving her concentration and time management skills, “Participating in the ‘Shut Up and Write’ activity has been beneficial to me for improving my focus and adopting a more structured approach to studying.

The SoLL Postgraduate Club will continue to organize fortnightly “Shut Up and Write” events, and there’s no better time than now to join in and experience the benefits. Whether you’re looking to improve your writing productivity, network with your peers, or simply enjoy freshly baked treats brought to you by Alan’s baking skills, these events have options to suit everyone’s needs. So if you’re ready to enhance your academic journey and become part of a supportive community of academics, don’t hesitate to sign up for the next “Shut Up and Write” session.

To join the SoLL Postgraduate Club and stay updated on upcoming events, interested students can sign up for free membership through the code in the image below and participate in enriching activities to enhance academic success and foster a sense of belonging within the SoLL community.

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