SoLL Postgraduate Club End-of-Semester Event: Celebrating Community and Collaboration

Xiaoyi Zhang

The end of Semester 1, 2024 brought an exceptional event hosted by the SoLL Postgraduate Club in a local pub. This gathering provided a perfect opportunity for postgraduate students at different stages to socialise, share experiences and network. Thanks to Daniela, the dedicated organiser who has just returned from maternity leave, and the club’s efforts, we enjoyed a wonderful evening of delicious food, great drinks and even better conversation, creating a memorable and enriching experience for all involved.

Nine PhD students attended the event. Photo taken by Xiaoyi

The gathering included nine PhD students, ranging from newcomers to those nearing the completion of their studies. A highlight of the event was everyone sharing details of their research journeys. Early-stage PhD students took the opportunity to seek advice from those further along, discussing specific challenges they face and gaining valuable guidance.

For example, Hannah mentioned, “Senior second- and third-year PhD students shared their research experiences and encouraged us to live the first year well and not to worry”. This reassurance was comforting for many new researchers.

Pip and Ivana

Pip, who is in her fourth year, and Ivana, who is in her third year, were particularly keen to share their story. They openly discussed the ups and downs of their research paths, offering personal anecdotes that resonated deeply with the group. Their stories weren’t just instructive—they were a source of motivation and a reminder that we’re all in this together.

Minh reflected on the evening, saying, “It was very engaging for us to collectively reflect on what we had done throughout the semester and our envisaged course of action in the next semester. Listening to the stories of how much progress my fellows made in their PhD was motivating me to endeavor more, while their stories of setbacks and difficulties helped me to be better prepared for how I should maneuver the upcoming time in my PhD.”

Everyone had a great time sharing and exchanging ideas.

The sense of togetherness and mutual support made the evening truly special. For many of us, the opportunity to step out of our usual office environment and mix with colleagues from different years was invaluable. Events like this remind us that we’re part of a supportive community. Without these gatherings, we might never cross paths with other fellow researchers who are facing similar struggles or with those who have successfully overcome them.

To join the SoLL Postgraduate Club and stay updated on upcoming events, interested students can sign up for free membership. Simply use the provided code to register and participate in our enriching activities!

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