
Statistical Consulting Centre short courses

Each year I teach intensive short courses open to anyone. Statistics for research workers is offered every year.  You can find out more about Statistical Consulting Centre courses here.

The Statistical Consulting Centre also offers tailored short courses; I have collaborated on many of these.

Statistics for Research Workers 2023

Here are the Excel and RMarkdown files for Statistics for Research Workers, November 2023: SRW November 2023.

Here are the demo files for many of the chapters: RMarkdown demo files for chapters.

Instructions for installing R and R Studio at home are here.

Updated files:




Producing Quality Graphs 2023

The Producing Quality Graphs workshop will be held in May and September 2023.

Here is a handout for the second part of the workshop: Minitab 21 Showcase

Here are some Excel files that may be used in the second part of the workshop: 2023 MSCP workshop

University of Melbourne workshops

I teach short, free (usually half-day) workshops for eligible University of Melbourne graduate research students and staff.

University of Melbourne subjects

Ian Gordon and I teach an introductory statistical methods subject for post-graduate  students at the University of Melbourne; this is also called Statistics for research workers. The subject code is MAST90007.   I also assist with a post-graduate subject on consulting and applied statistics – The practice of statistics and data science (MAST90027).

I collaborated with Ian Gordon to develop two subjects in the Masters of Data Applied Analytics.  These are the foundation subject, Critical thinking with analytics (MAST91030) and Foundations of analytics (MAST90135). Ian and I co-ordinate these subjects.

I teach Quantitative Methods (ARTS90046) in the Faculty of Arts.

Statistical literacy subjects 

I collaborated on the development of innovative subjects in statistical literacy at the University of Melbourne.

  • Critical thinking with data was a University of Melbourne breadth subject available to all first  year students. It taught students to become critical users of data-based  evidence. You can find out more here.
  • Thinking scientifically is an online breadth subject for second year science students, which includes a substantial component about Thinking with data.
  • Data fundamentals is a free online series offered to University of Melbourne students as part of the Employment Fundamentals initiative.  It teaches the fundamentals of statistical literacy. It was developed in collaboration with Dr. Kim-Anh Lê Cao.


Statistical Consulting Centre