Category: Social, personal & family life

  1. Buckling up

    Not much Uni-related going on for me this week. Did not get selected for back-to-campus job I had applied for at Uni or the Grad internship with GSA, so not much involved in start of the year activities 🙅‍♀️ I’ll be attending the orientation sessions I can (online 🥴) Heard the on-campus ones gave students […]

  2. Back in Business

    Got Business subjects in my study plan and now there’s peace at home. No more 💩 where it shouldn’t be. I haven’t added them for the next sem and I guess the 🤮 hairballs will stop after I do. Still looking for cat-groomers, can’t find any around. There are plenty for dogs but none for […]

  3. Massive Mess

    So, could not see business subjects in the study plan due to admin issues. Cat has been very upset about it and threw a massive fit, refused to use the litterbox and puked all over the house until she was sick #BossCat Not very convenient to cleanup, especially early in the morning on workdays. But […]

  4. Double degrees

    We made it! Got the 💌 today. Now Cat can study all about business and I’ll type away in peace. I think it’s too early to get her a graduation robe. Barry’s one will fit her perfectly though. I’ll get it next week 😝 For now, I have to select subjects, set up the time table […]

  5. 2020 vision and a little hindsight

    In defence of this year, 2020 has been a year of growth, of opportunity and of experience. The year, like many other catastrophic world events, has humbled us and brought us together to remember the important elements of life. It has long been touted as the most important aspect to one’s life, and that is […]

  6. Countdown to the new year

    Can’t wait for the New Year to start! But that’s me every year, looking for a reason to partyayy 😝 While the year has been trying, challenging and tough for most, I found it a lot more kinder to me than the previous ones. Being unemployed for a while and struggling on NewStart, JobSeeker was […]

  7. Merry Christmas

    Have a joyful one – from me and Cat to you and yours 🥳 Everybody’s on a holiday and I guess, I should take one too and stop writing but I joined mid-year, so technically still a first year. Besides, I am not putting down my pen until told otherwise 😤😝😜 Apart from cooking fancy […]

  8. Happy Holidays

    Still not sure if I have passed or failed, had a turbulent semester and it shows on the report card. A lot of admin details are pending and that means, I’ll not know my results until all the kinks are smoothed out. But just to be on the safe side, I am using the holidays […]

  9. Summer’s here!

    Loving the break 🥰 And now that the lockdown’s gone, life’s slowly going back to normal. I have got plans for summer that don’t involve worrying about the exam results due this week. Forget about passing with flying colours, I’ll celebrate if I just make it through in monochrome 😜 My local library is open […]

  10. Found my motivation

    Exam season starts today 😥 Mine are in the second half of the month and maybe I’ll finish my revision by then 🤞 Having done my time in the unforgiving IT industry, I am now a big believer in having more “life” in the work-life balance. Yesterday’s 15-hour-coding marathon was a first in a very […]

Number of posts found: 416