Category: Social, personal & family life

  1. Freedom Has Come

    I can’t believe it that I have finished first year. I survived through the hard times. I survived through those last minute assignments. I survived through practical and written exams. I survived it all. I’m still amazeballs that I had made it. The feeling is truly rewarding, while trying not to have any negative thoughts […]

  2. Week 12 Feels

    Holy bagebus! It’s going to be Week 12 tomorrow! AHHH!! This semester has crept me up a little, and has gone faster than what I expected it would be. Looking back from the start of semester two, I had gone through a lot, and I’m not sure whether it is more intense than Semester 1. […]

  3. A Musician's Sacrifice

    Making more time for something has one, or two sacrifices that needs to be cut out for the week. It is pretty common for some, or majority of musos, or for any one else in uni in general. For instance, not going to lectures (that are recorded), less time studying (and cramming every thing to […]

  4. What I Have Learnt So Far

    Being a first year opens up a new chapter in life, and I have learnt a lot of things about uni and life in general. Such as.. 1. Things can get crazy You have no idea how it is hectic for first years. It’s like them saying, “Here’s all your assignments, readings, studying, practising, things […]

  5. Things that Music Students Say/Hear

    I feel a little down, and trying to survive this semester till mid semester break. Normally, I would write a mid semester summary, and other things, but I don’t think I’m in the right state to do so. So, here’s a funny post, and hopefully it makes people’s day. Note: I swear a lot in […]

  6. Don't Stop The Music (Bella)

    Hey! While it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind that is mid-sems, readings and assignments, it’s important to remember that there are some ways to relax and take a break from study. Which is one of the reasons why I went to… ARTS BALL! Hosted by M-ASS, the Arts Students’ Society, and […]

  7. Mid-Semester Update (Bella)

    Hey readers! Yes, I’m being optimistic – we still have Week 6 to go until we are halfway through. However, I haven’t updated in a while – for which I do apologise. Here’s what I’ve been up to recently… PUPPIES AT UNI! Yes, you read that correctly. The University organised puppies to come to uni […]

  8. A Cyclist's Perspective

    This semester, I had an interesting start to uni. In first week, I popped a pretty bad blister during my Netball match, that I couldn’t even walk properly for first week of uni. So, I had to use crutches, because it was that bad. Hahaha. Then in the second week of uni, I recently was […]

  9. Leave of absence

    Taking a leave of absence from University can happen for many reasons. In O-Week, I met a girl who had taken a year off to travel around South America and she said that it was the best thing that she ever did! However, I never considered I would do the same. One week ago I […]

  10. Review: Uni Events (Bella)

    Hey all! I’ve been lucky enough to attend quite a few uni events this semester, and I think they are a great way to catch up with friends and meet new people 🙂 My favourite event I attended would have to be the Paint and Glow party, run by M-ASS (the arts student society here […]

Number of posts found: 416