First Year Diaries

Check In Time! #3

1:36am, Singapore. I have just finished an assignment not too long ago, had a long chat and replied a long overdue email. I technically have 2 zoom calls scheduled for tomorrow late morning, and a couple over the weekend as well-- ranging from interviews for school stuff, job related calls (will be starting a new job after all my assignments, but first some introductory calls? Does this word make sense? I'm sorry... my brain is really fried), as well as volunteer tuition stuff. And of course, the bulk of it all, other upcoming assignments due.

I'm going to be honest here and say I absolutely have no idea what to blog about. And out of so many times to blog, here I am, choosing to do it tonight after a hectic evening and at an hour where everyone else in my family is asleep. I guess the only reason I can justify to this is that I just felt like it.

It's such a weird feeling. On one end I feel like everything's manageable and it will all turn out just fine, but on another I feel as if I'm having a midlife crisis. It's not just the assignments itself, but rather the whole aura and vibe surrounding this part of the semester that is worrying and suffocating. Especially so that it's my first semester in university, which makes me really unsure of what to expect.

I guess the good part of all of this is that I'm trying to find joy in the smallest of things. Even a video of mayo farting on Tiktok cheers me up.

And no, I'm not going to say generic things like: "you got this!" "this will pass!" "try to keep a positive mindset but not worry about that H1!" Haha, idealistic, ain't gonna happen. But here's a wild thought: maybe when we are lying at home bored stiff during the holidays, maybe after university when all this madness is over and the new madness comes that is in the form of jobs... maybe, just maybe, we'll miss this feeling. This worrying, suffocating vibe, that hundreds of freshmen face (and probably not just in Unimelb).

But till that day comes... enough said, better rush out my next essay.

From Passes to Honours, and everything in between

Honour the work that you’ve done so far.

Draw strength from your failures and use momentum to create your next masterpiece.

Enjoy the rhythm of working, of studying, of writing assignments.

Write essays when you feel inspired, when the words pour forth from you effortlessly.

Edit papers in quiet solitude and reveal the gems in your writing.

Proofread assignments, in peace, and not right before the deadline. Leave a week between editing your writing and come to it with fresh eyes. And ask, does it still make sense?

Write when you can and when you feel called to. You might find a talented writer within, yearning to write elegantly about your subject matter. You might find that you receive a H2B instead of P next time. You might find that in being more creative, you become more yourself, more you.

Phillip Pullman, said “Read like a butterfly, write like a bee”, (Stylish Academic Writing, Sword, 2012). So, dip and dive into your bookshelf, spend an afternoon simply reading, return to your assignment when you’re refreshed, and then write your little heart out. Celebrate your writing, regardless of what mark you receive, honour yourself for finishing something. Honour yourself for being you.

I thought after completing my Bachelor degree I would never have to write another 3000-word essay again, yet here I find myself writing a few, and in quick succession. Writing assignments don’t have to painful, you can make them into pieces of art; write interesting titles and sub-headings. Most importantly, write from the heart, so your mind feels at peace.

Finally free ✊

Today’s my last lecture for the semester and then I am a free bird 🦥

But I think I’ll miss them and the sense of normalcy they brought to my chaotic world where I couldn’t tell what would happen the next day but could always count on the lectures to be there, on time, like clockwork! Now I have to figure out my study schedule for the next few weeks and devise ingenious ways of sticking to it 🤓

I am not as good as Cat at plans and management, who was understandably sulky last weekend but is now back with her game face on, holding performance review meetings with Magpies in the backyard. The pies couldn’t stop singing about how awesome they were and how they swooped in and all, but Cat just showed them the droppings all over the garden and told them to shut their beak because they did a shitty job, quite literally 🧐 So much for good sportsmanship 😜

Other than that, mood’s 🤩 ‘cause the lockdown’s lifted. Finally! Looking for mates to go bar hopping, window shopping, door knocking or any other fun activity. Don’t care what it is, just wanna go out 🤨 If you are too, hit me up and let the adventures begin 🥳 But safely, with social distancing and 💩


The descent

We're SO close to the end now!! This semester's passed by very quickly, but that's usually how I feel once something is over, so maybe that's my relief speaking. I've almost made it through my 2000-word essay grind, too, and, once again, my relief is piping up!! What the end of this semester AND the soon-to-be conclusion of my Essay Stress Fest means is that my first year at UniMelb is winding up—insanity, I tell you! I'll unpack this proclamation of insanity in the days (but probs actually in the weeks) to come, and reflect on my journey (ick) as a 2020 UniMelb Jaffy !! In the meantime, if you're Melbourne-grounded, enjoy our newfound freedom (assignments can wait)!!!


Song of the blog post: Latch by Sam Smith 🥔

Trials and errors

Last week's experiment of not attending lectures totally blew up in my face. Turns out, I missed out on really important details about the assignment. I found it out over the weekend while going through the recordings, 3 days after the due date. Of course, I had to make the mistake that the prof specifically said not to 😒 Hoping I won't lose marks over it 🤞

This week, I'll be joining all zooms 5 min before start. Besides, all the time I saved last week on lectures was wasted in fantasizing about men. I don't think it's exactly prescribed school activity. At any rate, it does nothing to contribute to my marks 😜 And given that there are just two more weeks to go before the study break, I gotta focus!

It's not just me focusing this week, cat's supercharged too. She's prowling the garden with 'Eye of the Tiger' playing in the background, ready to scratch out any eye, tiger or not 😼

And we can now go out and bump into some unwelcome kiwis, but still not open for business. Am I the only one who smells hypocrisy here 😷


Smith’s crinkle cut chips

So I'm sitting in my room, listening to some angry guitars noise because there really isn't a lot to do right now.  Honestly, what the hell was going on the in 70s and why did it stop.  See tonight's listening for a fat riff, yodelling, whistling and a flute solo because, prog rock.

Doing group projects with people overseas has its challenges, but I can't imagine what it must be like for you guys who are studying a degree in a completely different timezone!  I suppose most lectures and classes are all pre-recorded these days.  I heard we only had one new case today, so hope is on the horizon??  Kinda hard to be optimistic after the last 6ish months but there it is.  God, maybe I'll even be able to visit my Grandma by Christmas.  That really would be nice.  It really would.

My recital is due in a few weeks and I do not feel great about that.  I don't know if there are any musicians out there, but there is nothing worse than feeling that your pieces just aren't improving.  My family are completely sick of me practicing that's for sure.  Just a month more and I promise there'll be less noise!


Tonight's Listening:  'Hocus Pocus' by Focus  (Best version -


H1 for Happiness

Exams are around the corner, taunting me with the amount of readings I skipped. Yesterday as the exam timetables came out, I realised I was screwed.

I thought I was clever for picking subjects where the end-of-semester assessments were an essay or even a take home exam, leaving me with only one real examination. I thought, cool - easy - no problem. SWOTVAC will be a breeze. I was wrong. They're all due in the same week and I've become a procrastinator.

Let this be a lesson (to myself as well) - do not, for the love of God or whomever/whatever you believe in, push things off for later. It's a trap.

I'm sure this reaction of being unmotivated and becoming a procrastinator has happened to many people this year as a by-product of the pandemic. But I also think that it is something that can happen to many First Years in particular. You're suddenly 'Just Another [im not sure if im allowed to swear] First Year', when last year you were studying your butt off, taking late caffeinated nights, your only social time being study dates, and you found yourself thoroughly stressed and burnt out. That was me in Year 12. I remember saying at the end last year, "I promise to be a dropkick next year, and not study so hard." What an idiot.

This idiot now is fumbling over notes, trying to keep up and is desperately trying to get her head around this crazy grading system. Am I the only one who doesn't know what her standards should be?

Prior to university, the goal was always 90% and above. That dream has died. Technically I'm not struggling and my grades are apparently decent. However, the adjustment to this grading system was one of the biggest transitions of all.

At the beginning, I looked at the grading and thought that I should maintain my crazy standards, which meant that I should only be getting H1s. As time passed, I realised how difficult that was as other students described attaining a H1 as practically unattainable. It's not, but procrastination does not lead to a H1 either. All people talked about was this bloody H1 and I thought - if you get anything below that, is that bad?

On the other end of the spectrum, I heard a lot of the phrase, 'Ps get Degrees' - even from a sociology lecturer. "I want you all to try hard, but remember everyone - Ps get Degrees," he reassured us at the end of the lecture. He dressed as Superman and had his children's toys to help him present the lecture though, and I really had to question whether I was dreaming.

Though some may see that phrase as encouraging laziness, I suppose it has merit though. It's great to aim for a H1. It's still awesome to get a H2A or H2B. But if you get anything lower, Ps DO get Degrees so it's not the end of your life. (Just minimise fails because of the new HECS-HELP reforms for domestic students though but that's a whole new rant)

Adjusting your standards might be the hardest thing to do as a First Year. Though it sounds like adjusting means yielding to mediocrity, its more about positivity. It's about accepting feedback graciously, and to keep moving forward.


(I watched Meet the Robinsons again recently, I just had to quote it.)


Good luck with exams - don't procrastinate.


Also if you really do want to get better grades, Academic Skills really do have bomb resources though. I've only looked at their brief info sheets and some online learning modules, and I've seen an improvement in my grades this semester.

Back to studies

Break is over and lectures are back. I am giving them a miss this week. I spend way too much time on zoom. Discovered last week that I can save time by not watching the same lecture thrice 🤦‍♀️ Trying to study smart and not just hard 😎

Cat isn’t missing management too much. Last week she hissed at every single magpie in the garden and now there are none 🤣 Luckily, there are no lions in the backyard!

Things are starting to get serious, now that exams are approaching and the schedule will be out this week. My first ever exams in Australia! Super excited! Nah, not really 😒 ball of nerves here. On the bright side, my cool club merch was delivered yesterday. I don't get many 🎁 so this one was really special.

Running out of patience with the lockdowns but still take care and stay safe.


Let it be a beautiful mess

“It’s a beautiful day”,  (U2).

It’s Monday, the day that signals new beginnings, a new week and renewed commitment to our dreams and for some, diets.

In our new world, the world’s been rewritten, reinvented, and reimagined. The world seems a quieter place, at least for me. I move slowly about the world, practically on holidays until next year,  as 2021 eagerly awaits the next iteration of me.


Today I browsed for 2021 diaries in the one shop that’s open at my local Westfield and ordered coffee from my favourite café. And no, I don’t only go there because I receive a free mini handcrafted square of delicious milk chocolate, okay, that’s part of the reason. Mostly, it was to fuel my day. Waking up late, I needed energy to fuel the nothingness of my days. There are no papers to write, no sentences to edit, no deadlines to meet, but there will be, come next year. For now, a well-earned reprieve.


I’ve signed up to help a friend mark practice essays for VCE English students this week, so that will fill a couple of weeks. And it will require more coffee. I see the marking as professional development, time to hone my feedback and assessment skills. Not much interest, to non-teachers, so I won’t labour my point.


Also in news around Melbourne, school’s reopened today and the majority of classes are full with mask-adorning students. I wonder what they think about learning in this new era, this world full of hand sanitiser and alienating testing required before all airline travel. How do they feel they have coped with the all the changes, the lockdowns and the limitations. What new freedoms have they found amongst the chaos? What blessings have they gathered in these greatly challenging times?


As for me, I baked, chocolate chip cookies, cornbread, banana bread. I gardened and planted sunflowers and strawberries. I wrote this blog and my novel. I shopped online, and acquired health supplements and clothes. I quietly visited friends, when restrictions allowed and shared cups of tea, and I walked in new local gardens and relished viewing lakes surrounded by people lolling about on the grassy green lawns. I also, ordered my flat whites, my constant first-world luxury item, not all the time, but now and then. To assuage my need to sit down and share a coffee with a friend.


Thank you for reading. Post a comment and let’s get this blog community going. Perhaps share your beverage of choice, favourite new hobby or pastime or a new skill you learnt this year. I love reading your comments.


Today’s post was created by a skim flat white, courtesy of San Churro. Thank goodness not all cafes have closed. Like that meme says, I wish I could drink coffee, read books and nap all day. The hot drink brightens my days and awakens my inner drive.

Today, I was instantly called to write, I hope that this blog post finds you well, safe and with a smile.



Raspberry & Rocks


How does ‘Zoom university’ affect our test scores

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,  face to face lectures have become unachievable. In order to handle this unprecedented crisis, ‘Zoom University’ is deemed to be currently the only viable option we have that allows students to continue their education without the threat of COVID-19.

The University of Melbourne is undoubtedly no exemption. Ever since March, the uni has begun to transfer to a virtual teaching classroom. Then here comes one amazing topic: how does ‘Zoom university’ affect our test scores?


In this blog, I will briefly answer this question by giving you some novel observations combined with my own survey and experience.

To begin with, the online teaching narrows the gap of test scores between students. Technically speaking, the standard deviation of test scores becomes smaller. Since students save commuting time to the campus, they can spare more time studying when they study from home. Their study plan can be more flexible because they can just click the mouse to start studying whenever they want. Moreover, because of the strict travel restrictions, students have no choice but to stay at home and spend more time acquiring new knowledge through the Internet.

Meanwhile, e-learning can enhance learning efficiency to some extent. According to my own observations, a large proportion of my friends choose to divide the lecture recordings into several parts followed by the section and study these topics one by one. Pausing the recording and taking the notes instantly help them grasp the concept better without wasting extra time to revise the content repeatedly. As a result of the various factors listed above, it is likely that the gap in exam marks could be narrowed.


My other observation is that self-discipline students tend to make greater progress in academic performance and take the lead in all aspects(including soft skills, personality,etc.) during the lockdown period. Habit is a tenacious and large strength. Sleeping on time, getting up on time, following a schedule that is suited to your own lifestyle, and being serious about your own learning (keeping in mind that nobody is supervising you) will define your future growth. As for me, the process of making and following daily plans is really tricky at the beginning, but later, the sense of achievement of making full use of time gives me the incentive to insist on pursuing higher efficiency by making detailed schedules. Apart from studying, participating in business competitions, conducting charity activities online, or listening to a public webinar are all meaningful activities that we can join to improve ourselves during this special period.

At the end of this blog, I just hope that the vaccine can come out as soon as possible so that we can return to normal. After all, we all miss the face to face classes.





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