First Year Diaries

Take it easy

Pockets are feeling a lot lighter after paying the fees for this semester but glad that Cat can continue her quest for knowledge 😁

For some reason, studies are not too stressful this time. I am not making lecture notes, going through recordings thrice a week till I am sick of it. Instead, focusing on concepts and looking at the bigger picture. It's working out so far, I had enough time over the weekend to work through the eternal mystery of my non-existent love live. Yeah, figured out I need to get one 😆 Not sure where to start, any tips? Not into online dating. Tried them, they suck.

VERY excited about my first ever swimming lesson this week. I even got a brand new tankini to celebrate 🥳. Hope the water's not too cold, I just can't breathe in cold water, even knee deep. No wonder I can't swim 😣 Won't tell you what happens when I drive 🤣

Swim on 🤘



Quite odd

A steep deviation from my weekly post, but the occasion calls for it 🥳

I received the results of my fee remission appeal and it has been rejected because they need medical proof of my being mentally affected by my sudden job loss and are not accepting that the changes were made in a day due to covid.

My other evidence is deemed insufficient. I have been told to apply to the tribunal which will cost me around a $1000.

While I might not do that and let the matter go, the treatment and the pricey lesson will be well remembered long into my Alumni days. Not sure help here reaches those who really need it.

I don’t go around writing lengthty letters begging for money, I would rather sign up for double shifts at work 😒 So not lining up for any scholarships or handouts. Nah, not again 🤢

And not ranting about refunds on websites like a seasoned Karen 🤪 Just wondering if I, with all evidence, emails and supporting documents, can’t get a fair result on a genuine case, how many more go unheard!

Meanwhile, my swimming lessons will start soon and all the employment sessions I attended last sem are paying off now. Fortunately, I have grown up enough now not to mix issues up and blame the whole of the university as giant headless monster 👻 Personally, I have learned and benefitted a lot more than the fees I have paid ⚖️

Alrighty, talked enough! Time for Cat’s hot chocolate topped with strawberry flavoured whipped cream ☕️ See you next week.


Finding favourites

Yo! To all ya hard-workers and lazy-asses out there, Happy Labour Day, people 🥳 and Happy International Women’s Day to nobody in particular. Just celebrate it, if you want to 👯‍♀️🕴👯‍♂️

I have a day-off at work, so I am totally celebrating it. Now sure how but will figure it out. I am also trying to figure out my favourite subject this semester. Last one, I just slogged through the very-difficults and less-difficults 🤣 This one is different! The course and the subjects are more my-type and and I am genuinely interested in them.

One of my subjects has an oddly timed tutorial and no exams, plus I won’t even have to code! 🤩 It would have won The Best Subject Ever 👑 if only the tutorial time worked out 🤓 Another one has no tutorials at all and has sessions during lectures instead. This one would have won the 👑 too if there were no exams 🤣

The other two subjects actually have tuts in the evening 🥰 I can attend them after work and still finish dinner on time. Will have to miss my evening soaps but I am sure, the team-work drama will make up for it 😜

Pretty excited about this sem and I have a feeling my results will be much better this time. Just a hunch 🤷‍♀️

Party on, peeps 🤘


So it begins!

Was feeling lucky that my work schedule had worked out to allow me enough time to relax and finish studies... until I saw the tutorials schedule with tracked attendance and participation, all in work hours 🙇‍♀️  Can't even drop the subject as it's mandatory before the project next semester. Now I'll have to accomplish double backflips and jump through fire hoops just to get a point and half. Sometimes I wonder if my degree is Masters in Stress Management with Frustration 🤣

This semester is going to be every bit as tough as I had thought it would be. Just got lucky with very understanding employers who arrange my work around my studies. Don't want to stretch it though as I'll need a lot of it when the exams come. Wondering if the participation point is worth the hassle 🤔 After all, paying bills and making sure Cat has roof to rule over is just as important as her attending the lectures.

I am finally off Centrelink and I don't accept financial support from my folks. Financial freedom is very important to me. Guess that's decision made then. The points will have to rearrange themselves somewhere else on my marksheet 😁

Also discovered Burritos this week. Mind officially blown!!!! 🤯 Just pack everything on the plate in a couple of wraps and yo! Perfect lunch to-go 😎 Think it's gonna be a regular feature in my winter menu 🌯

Still haven't given up on events yet. Bump into you, sometime, somewhere... maybe



A new semester is now upon us, and the new year has already begun.

Looking forward to a new year picnic at Carlton Gardens with the Graduate Education Society.

Seminars have already started and I've already submitted two assignments early.

Feeling motivated, at least to study, hope it lasts!

Hope you're enjoying some new year/semester buzz!

Take care,

Raspberry & Rocks

How is it March already?

Can anyone believe we're already 2 months into 2021? I remember at New Year's, uni start felt still ages away. Here we are now, first day of week 1. How's everyone doing?

I've got all my tutes on Mondays which is one busy day then but leaves the rest of the week free for work and other stuff. Not sure if cramping everything into one day was a wise call though. Stay tuned.

First assignments are due in week 4 which is literally only 3 weeks from the end of this week!! Ahhh, does anybody else's brain stresses like this haha.

Anyway, I'll keep it short and sweet - stay happy and healthy people - speak soon!


Check In-Time #8-a half asleep rambling

2:42am, Singapore. Currently doing some boring administrative things such as clearing my inbox. My, it has been a long while since I last blogged- I daresay it has been more than a month already. I originally wanted to do a blogpost for Lunar New Year, since I celebrate it in Singapore with my family. However Lunar New Year came and left;and it was mainly spent on my Feb intensive and duties for SummerFest anyways. (Yes to in-person SummerFest over online SummerFest though :( )

Yeap, it's that time of year again: a new semester beginning. Honestly, I don't know what to feel about it. A semester ago, maybe because it was my first one in uni (thus causing me to have a false sense of optimism), I felt all recharged and prepared. Fast forward to now-when the semester hasn't (officially) begun (technically it began for me in 18th Jan with pre-readings but). I'm feeling physically and mentally exhausted, along with a huge dose of apprehension for the weeks ahead. I've recently been reading my previously submitted assessments last semester-- and can I say that familiarity breeds comfort, I suddenly really miss last sem's modules :((

I mean, I'm far from adequately prepared. For starters, I haven't even begun on the readings for my first tutorial as I was out all day today. Though I don't feel guilty about it; it was a lovely catchup with a long-time friend. I'll gladly wake up earlier tomorrow to do it.

Looking back on my holidays: while I did not fufill some things off my checklist such as learning a new skill/taking up a new course, I did have a productive break. Juggling my volunteer job, paid job, as well as various student clubs and associations- these experiences were pretty good as well.

Either way, it's back to the grind. Just wanted to type a short post to say I'm alive, and will continue blogging (as much as I can!!). I'll (try) to be excited about what the next semester has to bring :) Wishing everyone the best of luck.

Time for bed now; my eyes are half open as I'm typing this.

Cheers to new beginnings

O-week in full swing !!! Me and Cat went to the Engineering orientation before work and took some cool pics at the photo booth. That's me, looking all cute and excited and that's Cat, with the 'I won't flunk this semester' determination in her eyes.

Sooooo looking forward to after-work in-person O-week events and meeting new people!!! It will take my mind off Cat's  changing food habits.

No more fancy feasts, she has taken a fancy to fancier foods. It's toasted bread, buttered side up for breakfast, dijon mustard, jalapenos and crackers for tea and grapes for supper. Next thing you know, we'll be having cheese boards in cat bowls 😒  I totally need to go out 🤪

Bump into you at some event 😁


Lockup woes

They are harder for me than most people as I don’t have a family here and I end up being locked up in my room, not seeing humans for days, sometimes weeks on end.

Coupled with restrictions on food that doesn’t last a whole week, closed libraries, limited recreation, no outdoor exercise for a dozen reasons, I have decided to christen them as ‘Lockups’ rather than ‘Lockdowns’. If it looks like 💩 and it smells like 💩 then it must be... 🤣

Last week, I was quite enjoying my daily commute to work, and things being sorted at uni (mostly, still waiting for my fee remission from last semester), life was going good. Was looking to attend some singles event this Valentine’s day, get me brand new boyfie maybe. Of course, with Cat’s seal of approval - more important than mom’s 😝 But nah 🥀

Won’t cry over spilt milk, there’s orientation to attend and more clubs to join! Time to renew old memberships and make new friends. Now that I am not travelling, I can attend more O-week sessions online. The free swimming lessons at uni might start soon too 🥳

Totally looking forward.


P.S. 🎼🎼🎼 I will surviveeeeeeee... 😤

Buckling up

Not much Uni-related going on for me this week. Did not get selected for back-to-campus job I had applied for at Uni or the Grad internship with GSA, so not much involved in start of the year activities 🙅‍♀️

I’ll be attending the orientation sessions I can (online 🥴) Heard the on-campus ones gave students free jackets or hoodies, whatever you like to call them and a lot of other freebies. Trying hard not to feel swindled out of them 😣 The charm of online meetings has worn off too. Overall - feeling meh about it.

But realising a lot of fun stuff about... well, just stuff.

👁 Openers :
1) Thesaurus is not a dinosaur 🦖
2) Fruit bars are food and not same as Wine bars 🍷
3) The actual time I’ll be attending workshops and lectures is just from March to May! 🥳

The last one is quite a game-changer for me, means less stress of juggling my work-study schedule. Although, not having anymore dreams of being chased by a giant Thesaurus with sharp teeth is pretty cool too 😎

Keep masking 😷


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