First Year Diaries

Merry Christmas

Have a joyful one - from me and Cat to you and yours 🥳

Everybody’s on a holiday and I guess, I should take one too and stop writing but I joined mid-year, so technically still a first year. Besides, I am not putting down my pen until told otherwise 😤😝😜

Apart from cooking fancy feasts for Cat, I made fresh hand-rolled pasta this week. Another ✅ on my holiday to-do list. And now that I have my Christmas menu sorted, can focus on other things, like planning out the next semester.

I don’t want a repeat of the last one, so less “extra” and more “curricular” in the next 🤪 and get the activities out of the way in downtime, which is a fancy corporate term for ‘having nothing else to do’ 😂

So, building a website for the club and hosting it on Google Cloud! Super cool stuff 😎 If all goes well, it’ll be up and running before NYE. Will keep you posted 🤣

Until then, stay safe and party on.


The sun’s come out to play

The sun, the glorious sun has come out to play, to lighten our Christmas period with warmth and festivities.

I can’t really think of much to write in this blog. I’ve read, y’alls reflection on 2020 posts and think they were great.

As for me, I’ve too finalised my enrolment and soon I imagine I will be planning my year. Got myself a cute Muji calendar so I stay organised and so I guess I’m looking forward to 2021 and the new offerings it will bring.

Stay safe over Christmas and New Year and remember, laugh and be merry!

Check In Time! #5 (mainly ramblings)

11:16pm, Singapore. The weather has again been getting cold lately, and it's making me feel really lethargic. In fact, I'm having many brain fart moments right now when typing this (it took me 10 minutes to get out these two lines, I kid you not. I've just been observing my 10 guppies and neon tetras aimlessly swim around the tank. I've realized many things from being a pet fish owner, and have also experienced the worry that comes with it too). Have been trying to bake and read more this month as well, and catch up on movies that I've missed (I just rewatched The Grinch yesterday. This marks the fourth time I've watched this movie, and I've no idea why I'm not sick of it yet!)

I realized it's been a month since I have last blogged. I wanted to do the typical reflection of 2020 kind of post, but I'm not in the right headspace for it at the moment, and this may be something good to cover slightly later on this month instead. So I guess the purpose of this post is like what the title says: to check in with everyone!

How have you been? For me, life's been slightly busy but good. I've been involved in some commitments within and outside of uni recently, but have also taken the time to catch up with family and friends. I'm also happy with myself for getting through the semester strong, and I can enjoy the break to it's fullest-- feels as if all the hard work over the semester was worth it! But I admit that I miss this semester somewhat, ever since I submitted my final research paper on November 10th. The whole rigor of watching lecture recordings, taking down notes, chasing after the next deadline--it somehow gave my life some sort of order and purpose. I think I mentioned this in a previous post, but this really hit home recently.

Subject enrollment has recently ended, and I made the (hopefully right) decision to sign up for a summer intensive subject in Feb. Which means a shorter break, and a more intense pace of learning. Well, just have to stick by this decision and make the best out of it! Feel free to leave a comment if you are taking a summer subject as well :) I've also just completed my LICA award! Feels good to get something accomplished.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday, for we all deserve it! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays in advance (not quite the usual festivities we are used to because of this pandemic, but let's make the best of it).


Just Another F🌺ing First Year no longer

Just finishing subject selection right now, only an hourish left to avoid that late fee.  So yeah Uni has taught me to be really organised...

I'm kidding, hah hah.  I'm also really funny.

Hah. h a    h


So I don't really know what happens now with this blog because I mean, it is for first years and I'm not really that for much longer.  But I'll really miss writing these, even though I'm pretty sure it's only us bloggers who read the posts.  Even though I've never met you guys I do feel like I know you all well.  It's crazy to think I could bump into the real you and never know, maybe we need a blogger's zoom since we're still spread all across the world?

In any case, Merry Christmas to everyone!!


Tonight's Listening:  'My Baby Just Cares for Me' by Nina Simone (saved the best till last)

Happy Holidays

Still not sure if I have passed or failed, had a turbulent semester and it shows on the report card. A lot of admin details are pending and that means, I'll not know my results until all the kinks are smoothed out. But just to be on the safe side, I am using the holidays to revise the concepts and rework the problems. I would rather redo my exams, than spend the holidays at home 👻

That's not because I don't like my folks, I am just enjoying the freedom and the single life a bit too much. Also because I have a new family here. Yes, it's me and Cat forever! And it's Cat's birthday this week. Not a coincidence that it falls in the holiday season. She came home one lonely Christmas when I told the shelter that I am looking for a 🐈 with a broken smile, and she will be loooooved... 🎼🎵🎶 They said they knew the perfect 🎄 toppler. Along came Cat and she pretty much started ordering me around the minute she cat-walked into the room, been bossing me since 🥺 #BossCat

So I'll be busy cooking her the perfect fish and giving her a manicure. And not like it's a big deal or anything 🤣, but Google recruiters are comming today to campus for a chat. It's a virtual event and nah, not excited even a little bit. Got my poker face on, like I don't care 😝

Enjoy the holidays and have fun.


Thank you,2020

Time passes so fast and we will soon say goodbye to 2020.

This is a special year.

In this year, everyone confronts unprecedented challenges that could not have been imagined.

But, this is life, full of unexpected things.

The only thing we can do it to adapt. Once we have learned how to adapt, we will understand life.

Although this pandemic is a tragedy,I also want to show thanks for this tough year.

Because of this pandemic, because of this disaster, we are studying and reflecting on today’s great changes, ranging from health conditions to global issues. This dilemma gives us great opportunities to learn how to change ourselves to adapt to the future.

In this year, we already see the world faced with an unprecedented, once in a century crisis. Throughout the course of human development, disaster has never been lacking. However, it is rare to have a situation like today. Following disaster, we face such great global unease. This is truly worrisome. But worries are never useful. We should act instead of worry.

This lesson in 2021 also lets us realize the importance of global cooperation. The world will be better if we can find our common ground and to respect our differences.

2021 is coming.

At this turning point, we should thank yesterday, change today and believe in tomorrow. There is no expert of the future because none has been to the future. The best way to predict the future is to create it. The size of your hearts will determine the size of our world.

We should believe in the future,putting our trust in believing in a better world.

It can be a new beginning. The road ahead is full of challenges, but also full of hope. As long as we work hard together, we can definitely help the world step into a better future.

Thank you,2020.

Best wishes,2021.


Pass or …

Feels kinda weird with no one else posting anything, but I'll do it anyways. Results haven't been declared yet. I suppose it's this week, not quite sure that I am out of the woods 🤞

The Career Bootcamp is half way through and the things I am learning are totally amazing. Also makes me realize that I need to up my job search game big time! Will work on it over summer and maybe get ma 🍑 into a snazzy little office soon.

Meanwhile, I have figured out a 🤩 way to keep Cat happy. Applied for a uni program that has both Software and Business in the title 😁 Now eagerly waiting to hear back from them. Can't wait to tell her that she can soon attend her own zoom lectures, learning how to boss people around more effectively 😆 and leave me alone to focus on my money making apps. #BossCat

With all that going on, trying not to forget that this is a vacation and I need to chill. Made a brand new friend at uni and it's fun hanging out together ( you know, I am talking about you 😉 )

Wondering why masks aren't optional everywhere with more 🍩 in a 📅 than in the biggest box. When I can be trusted enough decide for myself whom to vote for, I am pretty sure I am capable of making a decision on when I need to wear a mask, other than that ✌


Summer’s here!

Loving the break 🥰 And now that the lockdown’s gone, life’s slowly going back to normal. I have got plans for summer that don't involve worrying about the exam results due this week. Forget about passing with flying colours, I'll celebrate if I just make it through in monochrome 😜

My local library is open now and I got some cookbooks to keep me company. Most interesting ones are recipes for cocktails, just what I need 🍹  Of course, Cat isn't too happy about it, nothing on management here. #BossCat

Got a lot of time to laze around, doing absolutely nothing. That's when I am not attending virtual meetups, learning cloud technologies, planning club activities or looking for work 🤣 Got some really cool Career Bootcamp events lined up next week. Totally looking forward! The last session I attended with them helped me get a virtual internship with a company I have a huge crush on (very professional and platonic only 💖)

Cheers to summer, enjoy the weather and hope the masks go away soon.


Last Exam tomorrow!


Less yay my roof is leaking again.  That storm we had a couple of days ago ripped right through, bit of ⚡️ and ⛈ next thing you know it's just drippity dripping and waking me up at some godforsaken hour.  I mean it was only 6am but like not the ideal start to a day if you know what I mean.

So yeah 2020 is just kinda finishing up and that's that.  I'm not sure if you guys get the same feeling for the academic stuff, but every year once I finish a big recital there is an odd period of letdown.  I think the trick is to always have another project on the go, something else to focus on.  Right now, that's my new job selling shoes as well as a band my mates put together months ago but haven't really started because COVID :'(

I had my first legit shift today which put me under the pump.  Technically I haven't finished getting trained up in all the shoe lingo, but someone calls in sick what else can you do but throw in the trainee?  It was good though, I think the only way to learn is by doing.

Much love to you all, I better get some sleep before tomorrow


Tonight's Listening: 'Achilles Come Down' by Gang of Youths

What next?

Must say, disappointed with the study modes for next semester. The dual-mode is only for a handful of subjects but most of them are online. Totally not going to work for me 😤

But I am not jumping on the next flight out of here and moving to Gold Coast just yet. I have worked a lot of odd jobs in Melbourne, including IT ( those were the oddest 🤣) and I have had weird experiences ranging from mild discrimination to outright harassment. The last time I tried my hand at studies in a TAFE, I was the only person without a partner in the whole batch, can't say I felt included. I didn't have high hopes from UniMelb after all of that and was kind-of ready to move, if it didn't work out. But in the past few months, I have felt more at home here than all of my jobs put together.

There hasn't been a single incident where I have been offended by word or deed from either the students or the staff. I have interacted with students from different backgrounds and they have all been very respectful, accepting and friendly. It is a big deal for me. I haven't let my guard down yet and I still keep looking over my shoulder, wary of people, paranoid from past experiences. But this place is slowly growing on me. So I guess, I'll be a permanent fixture here 🌴

Does not mean I agree with everything and nod stupidly. The study mode for one! Having online lectures was great. I could play them like boring edu-documentaries my parents used to make me watch and I had my best sour face on, to let them know I hate it 🤢 Tutorials, nope, didn't work out at all. I didn't even have to make a face because I just wondered 'WTF is going on here?' 🥴 I was so looking forward to being less clueless next semester 😪

In other news, I found out a uni program that teaches people how to swim and lets them practice for free. Signed up for it! Now, if only there were driving classes... 😏

I think we'll have a 🍩 month. Can't wait to get the masks off, inside and out 😜 Tc.


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